The Connections Bridgewater Somerville Edition Feb 2020

1035 Rt. 202 North Branchburg, NJ 08876 It’s hard to believe that the year has just begun, and spring is already lurking around the corner. With spring, comes pool season! This March, Branchburg Pool Supplies will be opening its doors for the first time. Conveniently located on 1035 Route 202 North, next to Giorgio’s Dry Cleaners, Branch- burg Pool Supplies will offer its customers a wide variety of pool and spa supplies, chemicals, POLARIS pool cleaners, large selection of parts, spa and pool covers, toys and more. Free water testing and detailed analysis will be provided as well. We will be featuring specials on our website, so check regularly on Our hours will be 9am to 6pm Monday to Fri- day and 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday. Branchburg Pool Supplies will strive to be competitive offering great values and equally personalized customer service. The owners of Branchburg Pool Supplies have been successful family business owners in Branchburg for thirty-three years and in Bridge- water for over two decades. They believe that the key to their success is their honest work ethics and their love for what they do. As they begin this new venture with Branch- burg Pool Supplies , they intend to continue with their passion and enthusiasm and hope to grow in the tradition of great customer relationship. This March stop by Branchburg Pool Sup- plies and see what’s new. You’ll be happy to find a wide variety of product at a competitive price. So here is to spring and to new beginnings. The owners and staff of Branchburg Pool Supplies look forward to seeing you! A NEW BUSINESS ABOUT TO OPEN ITS DOORS BUT THE OWNERS HAVE DEEP ROOTS IN THIS TOWN We sell a wide variety of Swim and Spa supplies Pool Cleaners and Chemicals Spa Pool Covers 1035 Rt. 202 North • Branchburg, NJ 08876 (located next to Giorgio's Dry Cleaners) Free Water Testing and Analysis EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Mary Licata Sales Associate, GRI, ABR, ePro, SRS 2IƓFH H[W &HOO POLFDWD#WXUSLQUHDOWRUV FRP ZZZ PDU\KOLFDWD FRP Client Testimonial: ŏ0DU\ KHOSHG XV VHOO RXU KRXVH LQ D GLIƓFXOW PDUNHW 5HDO HVWDWH WUDQVDFWLRQV DQG PRYLQJ DUH VR VWUHVVIXO DQG 0DU\ ZDV YHU\ SDWLHQW LQ DQVZHULQJ DOO RXU TXHVWLRQV DQG ZDONLQJ XV WKURXJK HYHU\ VWHS RI WKH SURFHVV 6KH SURYLGHG VRXQG DGYLFH EDVHG RQ KHU H[WHQVLYH H[SHULHQFH DQG NQRZOHGJH RI WKH PDUNHW 6KH DOZD\V OLVWHQHG WR XV DQG ZDV DOZD\V YHU\ SURIHVVLRQDO , KLJKO\ UHFRPPHQG ZRUNLQJ ZLWK 0DU\ DV \RXU DJHQWŐ 6XVDQ 1 'HODZDUH 7ZS 8SGDWHG 'XWFK &RORQLDO RQ s ODQGVFDSHG DFUHV ZLWK EHGURRPV EDWKV VHSDUDWH JXHVW DSW NEW LISTING %HGPLQVWHU 7ZS &XVWRP KRXVH ZLWK KRUVH EDUQ EHGURRPV EDWKV RQ OHYHO DFUHV IHQFHG SDVWXUHV &KHVWHU 7ZS 5DUH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR SXUFKDVH D EHDXWLIXO DFUH OHYHO ORW LQ SUHVWLJLRXV :LQVWRQ )DUP (VWDWHV 2SHQ ORWZLWKVOLJKWULVHXSWRZRRGHGDUHDDWUHDURI ORW 7HZNVEXU\ 7ZS 'HVLUDEOH +XQWHUōV *OHQ VSDFLRXV EHGURRPV EDWKV ZLWK ƓQLVKHG EDVHPHQW 3LVFDWDZD\ 7ZS (QWHUWDLQHUōV &RORQLDO ZLWK EHGURRPV ZLQH FHOODU IRUPDO ODQGVFDSHV H[WUD ODUJH WHUUDFH RXWGRRU NLWFKHQ home & design PAGE 42