The Connection Warren-Watchung Edition Apr/May 2019 James P. McMenamin, DMD S PECIALTY P ERMIT #3409 Diplomate American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 65 Mountain Blvd. Ext. • Suite 106 • Warren 732-356-1414 Visit Let’s be Friends! us on Facebook & be in the know. No one does LOCAL like we do! USE TODAY’S TECHNOLOGY TO ASSESS YOUR REAL BIOLOGICAL AGE IN DNA TERMS See ad on page 44 It is nothing short of amazing: the rapid progress of technology, sci- ence and medicine in today’s world. It seems that every day there are significant new discoveries. Just imagine, for centuries the world had believed that the earth was the center of the universe. It was not until Copernicus in 1543 proposed that the sun was the cen- ter. He was severely criticized and mocked for merely suggesting this. The world needed great minds like Brahe, Kepler, Galileo and finally Sir Isaac Newton (in 1687) to settle the argument that the center of our universe is the sun. That is almost 150 years later! The world was not able to measure the physical world back then as we can do today. Today the science and engineering world can measure very accurately the enormity of the universe down to the characteristics of subatomic quarks! Every so often, we hear news that an asteroid is headed towards Earth and will miss us by a close 60 mil- lion miles (that is close in terms of space terms), is the size of Texas and is made of iron and carbon. Ever wonder how they know this? They certainly do not visit the aster- oid to sample it. They use a tech- nology called nuclear magnetic res- onance imaging. Every atom and compound in existence has a cer- tain wavelength or color to it. All that is needed is to develop equip- ment to be able to measure what and how much color something has. Astronomers have been doing this for decades. With today’s com- puters and the ability to amass and analyze large amounts of data, we have a better understanding of our universe. Now we are able to utilize this type of technology and point it towards the human body. Science has accu- mulated so much data on human structure and function down to the molecular nature. With the triumph of the Human Genome Project, one of the greatest human achieve- ments in history, we have the blue print of what makes us human. We can now follow the development of humans from fertilization to birth, on a molecular basis. As we devel- op, genes are turned on and off, then back on again. It is amazingly and beautifully complex. Our genet- ic information is locked in some- thing we call DNA which is divided into 23 separate chromosomes. Think of each chromosome as a string of pearls. Chromosome num- ber 1 has about 186 million pearls to it! The functional part of the DNA, called genes, is located in the center of the string. The tips of the DNA have protective caps called telomeres. Aging is nothing more than the progressive shortening of these caps. If the shortening of the telomeres is stopped, there would be no physical aging. We can actu- ally determine what an individual’s age really is by measuring telomere length of that individual; and sci- ence can help slow the shortening process. This is not Star Wars fanta- sy, but real. We at Womens Health Care of Warren suggest each per- son consider an assessment. 65 Mountain Blvd. Ext., Suite 201, Warren, NJ 07059 732-469-9400 Gerard J. Pregenzer, MD Dr. Christina Luna, CCC-SLP | Donna Spillman-Kennedy, CCC-SLP NJ Lic 41YS00362200 | NJ Lic 41YS0015800 786 Mountain Blvd, Suite 203B, Watchung (866) 539-6685 We See Adults With • $XWLVP 6SHFWUXP 'LVRUGHU • 8QFOHDU 6SHHFK • +RDUVH 7LUHG 9RLFH • 3DUNLQVRQ¶V /697 /28' Š 7UHDWPHQW • $SKDVLD • %UDLQ ,QMXU\ 6WURNH • 1HXURORJLFDO 'LVRUGHUV • &RPSOH[ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ 1HHGV • &HUHEUDO 3DOV\ • &RPPXQLFDWLRQ 6\VWHPV L3DGV $$& • )HHGLQJ 6ZDOORZLQJ • $QG 0RUH We See Children & Teens With • 6SHHFK 6RXQGV $UWLFXODWLRQ 3UREOHPV • &KLOGKRRG $SUD[LD RI 6SHHFK • 6SHHFK 7KHUDS\ YLD 352037 Š • 6HOHFWLYH 0XWLVP • $XJPHQWDWLYH $OWHUQDWLYH &RPPXQLFDWLRQ $$& • $XWLVP 6SHFWUXP 'LVRUGHU • )HHGLQJ 6ZDOORZLQJ • +RDUVH 9RLFH • &RPSOH[ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ 1HHGV • &HUHEUDO 3DOV\ • 1HXURORJLFDO 'LVRUGHUV • $QG 0RUH Integrated Speech Pathology, LLC Pediatric, Adolescent & Adult Services In the United States, more than 20 million adults & children cannot effectively express their wants & needs, feelings, ideas, or dreams We are working to change that. One person at a time. PAGE 36 Health & Wellness