Welcome to the summer edition of the Warren Watchung Connection! With summer just around the corner, we are focusing this issue on the things that bring families and friends together – Food and activities along with some great conversations.
Check our Summer Fun & Destination Summer sections that will help fill your days with fun activities and will have a lot of dining options to satisfy the most discerning palettes. These destinations are great as a day or weekend trip, only a car ride away.
Our COMMENDS articles highlight LOCAL businesses. In each issue, we feature some of their stories, expertise, and their vision. We hope that as our valued readers you appreciate us showcasing their products & services, the deals they offer and the stories behind their businesses.
The Warren-Watchung spring issue ‘Spot the Fake’ ad winner is Heather Silver of Warren. Heather won a gift certificate to Duck Donuts in Green Brook.
Let’s shout it out for our LOCAL businesses!
Gracing the cover is a painting by local artist Sandy Ruda. The artwork is entitled ‘Serenity’.
Sandy told us “My oil painting, Serenity, was inspired by dear friends of mine who were getting married last year. I wanted to give them an original painting of mine as a gift and I put a lot of thought into the subject matter. I love painting fruit and that led me to this still life as this couple relishes culinary pursuits. The classic and elegant feel in the mood of this piece also felt right for them.
The subtle lighting on the fruit and pitcher created a sense of calm and serenity and also a sense of timelessness.” Please read her impressive bio on page 8
As a community magazine, we take pride in helping you move beyond the PRINT pages of our magazines so you can take advantage of the ONLINE features.
* IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY with your cooking prowess. Print out easy-to-use, tried and tested RECIPES from our ONLINE RECIPE BOOK. theconnectionsnj.com/category/recipes/
*COUPONS ON THE GO! Have LOCAL coupons handy exactly when you need them. Check our ‘DEALS & STEALS page. Make it a favorite on your phone and access it readily.
*Join the die-hard fans of our ‘SPOT THE FAKE’ ad contest – look for the fake ad in any of our three magazines and submit it to connectionsnj@gmail.com or play online. theconnectionsnj.com/spot-the-fake/
*Find articles on Health & Wellness, Senior Living, Cutting-Edge Medical Technology, Family Laws, Travel & more on our BLOG. Written by industry experts, they are loaded with information and insights. theconnectionsnj.com/latest-news/
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Anna Petro, Publisher