The Connections Bernards Ridge Edition April 2020
Restore Your Granite & Marble Surfaces To NEW! Floors • Walls Showers • Tubs Clean & Color Seal Ceramic, Porcelain and Other Non-Porous Stone To Look Like New GUARANTEED! Lic. # 13VH08649800 NATURAL STONE FEATURES are the type of accents that can define the look of a home, so keep yours looking new. Aldayna Stone Care offers professional service for all marble, granite, ter- razzo, limestone, travertine, or other stone features. THE GOOD NEWS IS that no matter what your stone has been through, Aldayna Stone Care can quickly restore it to its natural beauty. Restoration starts with deep cleaning extraction to remove absorbed impurities. After that, scratches, dull spots, and etches caused by chemicals or sharp objects are honed and polished back to their original shine. And if a section of a surface is partic- ularly damaged, Aldayna can fix it. Even cracked or chipped areas can be color matched and restored to a perfectly blended pre- damage condition. After a surface has been restored, Aldayna Stone Care can further treat it with sealants that protect from future damage. With Aldayna’s help, marble and granite floors, stone showers, vanities, countertops, and more can all be quickly re- stored and protected for years to come. There’s no reason to be unhappy with your stone features when the professionals of Al- dayna Stone Care, New Jersey’s natural stone cleaning and restoration, are here to help. AFTER GROUT COLOR SEAL BEFORE 973-239-1351 • 866-231-3300 • We care for trees.... and they love us back. /+5$ 3FH /+5$ +PIO #FSU ,VIO /+ -5& %POBME .VSQIZ /+ 1FTU -JD " 'PS "MM 1IBTFT PG 1SPGFTTJPOBM 5SFF $BSF BU $PNQFUJUJWF 1SJDFT &NFSHFODZ 4UPSN %BNBHF 5SFF 1SVOJOH 5SFF 3FNPWBMT 4UVNQ (SJOEJOH 1MBOU )FBMUI $BSF EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Mary Licata Sales Associate, GRI, ABR, ePro, SRS 2IƓFH H[W &HOO POLFDWD#WXUSLQUHDOWRUV FRP ZZZ PDU\KOLFDWD FRP ClientTestimonial: “Mary was recommended to us by a good friend and we are so happy to have gotten the referral.She provided excellent service from the beginning of the process and continues to,well after closing.We originally engagedMary only to sell our existing home but were so impressed in workingwith her that we also decided to askMary to represent us when buying our new home as well.We highly recommendMary to anyone who wants personalized attention and excellent service when buying or selling a home!.” - CH Basking Ridge 'HODZDUH 7ZS 8SGDWHG 'XWFK &RORQLDO RQ s ODQGVFDSHG DFUHV ZLWK EHGURRPV EDWKV VHSDUDWH JXHVW DSW PRICE REDUCED %HGPLQVWHU 7ZS &XVWRP KRXVH ZLWK KRUVH EDUQ EHGURRPV EDWKV RQ OHYHO DFUHV IHQFHG SDVWXUHV %HUQDUGVYLOOH %HUQDUGVYLOOH 0RXQWDLQ &RORQLDO EHGURRPV EDWKV OHYHO DFUHV VWRQH WHUUDFH VHUHQH VHWWLQJ The Results You Want…The Exceptional Service You Deserve )DU +LOOV 5HIUHVKHG EHGURRP EDWK KRPH RQ s IDUPODQG DVVHVVHG DFUHV LQ ORZ WD[ )DU +LOOV 3LVFDWDZD\ 7ZS (QWHUWDLQHUōV &RORQLDO ZLWK EHGURRPV ZLQH FHOODU IRUPDO ODQGVFDSHV H[WUD ODUJH WHUUDFH RXWGRRU NLWFKHQ NEW LISTING RELISTED AND REDUCED PRICE REDUCED home & design PAGE 62
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