The Connections Bernards-Ridge Edition February-March 2025

Recreational kickball league for women over 40. One day per week, 6-8pm, Martinsville, NJ. For more information email: monthly meetings held on the 4th Monday of every month except July,Aug. & Dec. Meetings are held at the Municipal Building, 1 School St. Peapack, NJ. Refreshments served 12:30pm. Meeting starts at 1:00pm. Next scheduled meetings are, Feb. 24, March 24,April 28, May 27, June 23, July andAug. no meeting, Sept. 22, Oct. 27, Nov. 24, December, no meeting. We have two trips Staaten on March 26, 2025, and the second is Billion DollarTrio- Neil Diamond, Olivia Newton John, and Patsy Kline on May 28 at The Shore Club, in Spring Lake, NJ. Patty Kerrigan, RN, BSN is present to take blood pressure and discuss any health issues. NEW MEMBERSAREALWAYS WELCOMED. Questions, call Lina Calabrese 908-234-2377. A social & informative monthly meeting of retired Registered Tuesday of the month at the Somerset County Library, Vogt Drive, Bridgewater from 10:15am-12pm. For more information email ROTARY CLUB OF THE SOMERSET HILLS PO Box 250, Bernardsville, NJ 07924 to eradicate polio throughout the world, as well as supporting education, promoting peace, protecting the environment, providing clean water & disaster response. Locally Rotary supports local charities such as Nourish NJ, Community of Hope-Lyons VA Hospital ,The Somerset Hills YMCA, & High have fun doing it! New members always welcome. Meetings are 1st & 3rd Wed. of ea. month 5:30pm, ClaremontTavern, 121 Claremont Rd., Bernardsville, NJ. OF SOMERSET COUNTY 310 Milltown Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 908-526-6295 A wide variety of in-person events, classes, & programs for all ages. From virtual youth- based clubs to live cooking classes, our offerings are completely FREE & open to the public. For more info, visit 679 Bartley Road ChesterTownship, NJ A friendly, local bridge club hosts duplicate bridge sessions everyTues., Wed., & Fri. Pairs teacher available. Singles invited-friendly, suitable partners (including Life Masters) guaranteed if you need. Tues-free lesson hand played & discussed 9:30am, followed by a game limited to players with less than 750 masterpoints, 10am with play completed by 1pm. Wed. & Fri. games open to players of all levels, 10am.These sessions, more hands played, include a short break at noon (bring lunch), play ending 2pm. Card Fees $10 per player for regular games. SOMERSET COUNTY SENIOR WELLNESS CENTER Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge 202 Mt.Airy Road Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Somerset County-operated senior wellness centers offer a NEED TO PROMOTEAN EVENT OR “LINK” YOUR ENTRY TO YOUR WEBSITE? CALL USAT 908-903-1799 nutritionally-balanced lunch (4 different daily menu choices) for a suggested donation of $2.50 for anyone age 60 & above. Multi-purpose facilities offer a variety of activities, incl. educational programs, health & wellness information & a stimulating social setting. Come join us Mon.-Fri., 9am-4pm for a variety of academic, health, & wellness opportunities. Programs are FREE for registered members unless indicated otherwise. operates county-operated senior wellness centers and seniors can reach out for help at 1-888-747-1122. SPEECH MEISTERS TOASTMASTERS CLUB helps develop public speaking, presentation & leadership skills. Online meetings held every Wed. at noon. Info, call Ken Schaefer at 732-356-6148. WOMEN WHO WRITE, INC. that meet throughout New Jersey. Its goal is to assist women writers in every phase of the writing process – with critique groups, workshops, & discussions. To become a member or see upcoming events, BERNARDS TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 32 South Maple Street Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 908-204-3031 or Hours: Monday -Thursday: 10am-9pm; Friday & Saturday: 10am-5pm; Sunday: 1pm-4pm Programs forAdults,Teens and Kids. Daytime and evening book discussions, lectures, cultural escapes and storytime for kids! JOB SEARCH DATA BASES:Find job listings and tools to help you with your search. REFERENCE HELP: Email: Call: 908-204-3031 x4 Text: 908-365-0776 VIRTUAL LIBRARY: - access your library account. Place holds on items, and receive courtesy emails and texts about due dates. MATERIALS AVAILABLE: - ics, Music; LargeType Books, Book Discussion Group Kits, Museum Passes, Video Games, Materials for English Language Learners, Materials from Main LibraryAlliance, the Raritan Valley Federation Libraries, and the Morris Union Federation Libraries, Chinese LanLibrary ofThings – collection of non-traditional, circulating items (i.e. tools, electronics, and more!) THE FRIENDS: - - ing the Library. Donations allow us to provide new and exciting programs, cutting-edge technology, and important resources.To volunteer or learn more, please email BERNARDSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1Anderson Hill Rd. Bernardsville, NJ 07924 908-766-0118 or Sat 10am-2pm; Sun 1pm-5pm Spring events include: storytimes, author visits, yoga and meditation classes, “swap days” (cookies, books, plants and more!), book clubs, lectures, concerts, teen events and so much more! Visit our website for complete list of offering and registration details. STAY CONNECTED: Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Sign up to receive our e-newsletter by clicking the link on the top right corner of our website. ONLINE RESOURCES available through Libby (Overdrive). Movies,TV & music available to download through Hoopla. Multiple Research & Learning programs & Career Prep.Access the Wall Street Journal & NY Times for free! Browse our catalog and place holds from the comfort of your home! TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 1 Miller Road, Morristown 973-538-6161, MMTLibrary. org, or email Hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 9am-9pm; Fri. & Sat.: 9am-5pm; Sun.: 1-5pm Our events are both in-person and on Zoom – all are free and open to everyone! Visit our website for info about a wide variety of offerings for kids, teens and adults. Winter book clubs and much, much more! FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOK SALES: Our popular used book sales are everyTues. & 1st & 3rd Sat. of the month 10am-2pm, Sept-June. Cash or checks only please. Book & media donations happily accepted inside the Library during all open hours. Donations or volunteering, email the Friends at or visit great new inventory added weekly! VIDEO: (Overdrive). Patrons also have access to streaming movies through pleased to be able to now offer online access to the WSJ & NYT! See website or ask a Reference staff member for more info.You can remotely access your local library all around the world! - The Library has one of the best local history collections in the state of NJ! Visit us in person, online or email us NOT JUST BOOKS: We have an extensive “Library ofThings” collection available to borrow including technology & photography devices; a Cricut & crafting equipment; pickleball & sporting equipment & much more. Check out very popular for many area attractions. LIBRARY BRANCH Peapack Gladstone Municipal Complex School Street, Peapack 908-458-8440, Facebook, Instagram, X, orYouTube & on Facebook,Twitter orYouTube. Programs hosted virtually & available to all branches. Equal access to public accommodations. In-person Signature Events: These programs are hosted in person. Registration is requested. Bessie Coleman: Fly! Bessie, Fly! Portrayed by Daisy Century Learn more about Bessie ColeFeb. 1, 2-3 p.m., at the WarrenTownship branch Feb. 27, 6-7 p.m., at the Montgomery branch Music: Feb. 13, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., at the Hillsborough branch Celebrate theAfricanAmerican experience with Songs of Liberation and Love, from the 1930s through the 1970s. Virtual Programs: These programs are hosted virtually. Most programs require registration. Visit join a virtual program by phone, dial (646) 876-9923.After dialing, enter a meeting ID, which is the series of numbers at the end of the Zoom link posted for each event. Seneca Village Presented by Sylvia Laudien-Meo: Feb. 3, 7-8pm Explore thousands of artifacts that offer valuable clues to better understand this extraordinary community that existed in the early 19th century in NewYork City. McCormack: Feb. 5, 7-8pm. Discover stunning landscapes and best trails, and making the most of a visit to these iconic destinations. Feb. 10, 7-8:30pm. Celebrate Black History Month theAmerican scene. Madam C. J. Walker - The First Black Female Millionaire Presented by Rick Feingold: Feb. 12, 7-8pm. Explore the life of thisAmerican entrepreneur, philanthropist, and political and social activist during Black History Month. A Night at the Oscars - Best Picture Spotlight Presented by Dr. Annette Bochenek: Feb. 25, 7-8pm. Get red carpet-ready and delve into the history of the best picture category with a multimedia presentation consisting of photos, video clips, and captivating stories. LIBRARIES “Linked” Online ed. at noon. Info, call Ken Schaefer at 732-356-6148. COMMUNITY CALENDAR February • ch 20 5