The Connections Bernards Ridge Edition November 2020 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 50 It has been some time now that we have been self-quarantining and staying at home, but slowly things have begun to re-open as we start to return from this pan- demic. Whether you are returning to work, school, the gym, church, parks, sporting events, or non-essential shopping; you will need to be prepared! Life may not be the same as it was when we rang in the new year, but one thing hasn’t changed: our need to gain control of the daily lifestyle choices we make that are either bringing us closer to health and wellness or closer to disease. We know that people with com- promised immune systems, be it from pre-existing health condi- tions, medications, or on- going unhealthy lifestyle choices, will need to con- tinue to be extra careful. And possibly, more im- portantly, they and all of us are best served by tak- ing inventory of our health habits and deciding now to make the changes nec- essary to improve our health and our im- mune system’s competency and resilien- cy. Those changes above all else are the real answers to true health and a strong immune defense system, against any, and all illnesses. If over the last few months, you have become more self-aware of how precious your health is and how you may have been taking it for granted, this can surely be your time to take responsibility to ensure yours and your family’s health and quality of life for years to come. There are many lifestyle-based steps to get and keep your immune system strong, but please understand that this does not happen overnight and that acquiring and maintaining these lifestyle-based habits all year long is what prepares an immune sys- tem for battle. Be aware of worrying, anger, and catastrophizing as these things have absolutely been shown to weaken immune function. Get plenty of sleep as this is pos- sibly the most critical of the lifestyle habits to improve on for the sake of our immune health. While daily exercise is a super im- mune booster, be careful not to overdo it as that will weaken your immune system over time. Learn how to keep all toxins out of your life as best possible. This includes the things that we eat, and drink as well as the cosmetics and cleaning products that we use, be- cause, in an attempt to look good and be clean, we may be toxifying our bodies and brains. Know the effects of what you put into AND onto your body. If you need help returning from the pan- demic and would like to learn more about the immune function and the steps you can take to fully strengthen yours, call for a new patient consultation. Complimentary new patient consultations are available virtually or in-person. Call 908-252-0242 or visit https:// Join our webinar to empower yourself to enter back into society with confidence, and with the proper guidance, hope for even better health than before the pan- demic. 2020 Nutrition: Clear Vision for Sound Nutrition Tuesday 10/6/2020 at noon Email for the webinar link Dr. Sferra is board certified in Chiro- practic Medicine and Chiropractic Neurol- ogy, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Spe- cialist certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association. He is the found- er and Clinic Director of Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation. For more information visit Be aware of worrying, anger, and catastrophizing as these things have absolutely been shown to weaken immune function. Join our webinar to empower yourself to enter back into society with confidence, and with the proper guidance, hope for even better health than before the pandemic. 2020 Nutrition: Clear Vision for Sound Nutrition Tuesday 10/6/2020 at noon Email for the webinar link RETURNING FROM THE PANDEMIC: IMMUNE BOOSTING STRATEGIES By: Dr. Vincent Sferra If you have injured your Achilles Ten- don, you probably re not looking for- ward to a 3-6-month recovery period! Not to mention he pain, swelling a d stiffness associated with Achilles Tend- inopathy. At Natural Medicine & Re- habilitation w utilize new cutting-edge technology called EPAT (Extracorpo- real Pulse Activation Technology) for the treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy to help get our patients back to their sports or activities and quickly enjoying their pain-free quality of life again. EPAT treatment greatly accelerates and intensifies the body’s natural healing process of soft tissue injuries by utilizing these powerful pressure waves to enhance blood flow, diminish inflamma on, and improve tiss e metab li m which helps dam ged tissue to re- generat and heal. Our trained EPAT physicians provide this in-office procedure, which takes approximately 5-10 min- utes, once or twice a week to reduce healing and rehabilitation time. The EPAT treatment can be used as a stand-alone treatment or in co bination with a personalized physical t er py treatment plan to h lp patien s gre tly iminish lev ls of pain and reduc the risk of reinjury. Achille Tendinop thy i caused by the overus of the Achilles tendon and is a common in athletes or people who train often. Runners can be prone to getting Achil- les Tendinopathy due to repetitive use, poor running techniques and/or poorly fitting footwear. Our Functional Move- ment Screening and Running Injury Pre- vention Program can identify physical imbalances, limitations, and weakness- es. If necessary, corrective exercises can be tailored to help improve athletic per- formance and reduce the risk of reinjury. Athletes who are looking to recov- er quickly, avoid surgery, invasive pro- cedures, and the risk of addiction to pain killers to get back to their sport, will greatly benefit from EPAT thera- py at Natural Medicine & Rehabilita- tion . But EPAT therapy is not only beneficial to athletes! People who suffer from chronic mus- uloskeletal roblems such s back p in, arthri- tis, ankle sprains, rot tor cuff pain, knee pain, hip bursitis, te nis elbow, TMJ, shin splints, Plantar Fasciitis, along with oth- er long-standing injuries that haven’t rehabilitated properly, can benefit from including EPAT treatment as part of an individualized treatment program designed for your body’s spe- cific needs. To se if your condition is a candidat for EPAT treatm nt call 908-252-0242 or visit the Patient Tab of our website t request a complime tary new patient consultation. Dr. Sferra is board certified in Chi- ropractic Medicine and Chiropractic Neurology, a Certified Clinical Nutri- tionist and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certified by the National Strength & Conditioning As- sociation. He is the founder and Clin- ic Director of Natural Medicine & Re- habilitation. For more information i i EPAT th rapy is a non-surgical non-invasive treatm n whic helps speed up recovery by the utilization of high energy acoustic pressure to achieve faster healing, pain relief and mobility restoration. Athletes who are looking to r cover quickly, void surgery, invasive proced es, d the risk of addiction to pain killers to get back to their sport, will greatly benefit from EPAT therapy at Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation. TORN ACHILLES? ACCELERATE THE HEALING PROCESS WITH EPAT THERAPY By: Dr. Vincent Sferra Torn Achilles? Somerset | 908-252-0242 | Powerful pressure waves enhance blood flow, diminish inflammation, and improve tissue metabolism to help damaged tissue regenerate and heal. Accelerate the healing process with EPAT Therapy