The Connections Bernard's Ridge Edition November 2021 - January 2022 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 53 Dr. Patti Swaintek-Lamb Our State of the Art Services Family Dentistry * Adult & Pediatric Orthodontics * Invisalign * Teeth Whitening Veneers * Crowns * Dental Implants TMJ Pain Treatment Sleep Breathing Disorder Treatment We are located at 10 Anderson Hill Road Call us today at 908-221-1188 or visit us online at We are dedicated to making you Proud To Smile. Mention this ad and receive a complimentary take-home whitening treatment (valued at $99) after you come in for an exam or consult (new patients only). According to researchers at the University of Kansas, smiling can trick our brains into feeling happier and improve the health of our brains. Smiling also can relieve stress and boost our immune systems. Making sure we keep our smiles in tip-top shape seems like a no-brainer! Of course, one of the most im- portant components of a healthy, confident smile, is healthy teeth. To keep your smile and your teeth looking their best, prevention is cru- cial. Daily brushing and flossing are good, but that’s simply not enough if you’re not pairing these daily hab- its with visits to your dentist. Stick- ing to a routine schedule of 3, 4, or 6 month dental cleanings — along with an exam and yearly x-rays — helps to remove the plaque and tar- tar that lead to decay and gum dis- ease. These appointments also give your dentist the chance to identify and treat small issues before they turn into big (and expensive) issues. For example, unchecked bacte- ria and plaque can damage your cardiovascular system, making you susceptible to stroke or heart attack. Worn down teeth can cause changes in your bite that may lead to head- aches and jaw pain. Small cavities left untreated may cause serious in- fections and pain. A broken down smile can be an indicator of much more serious health problems that can affect your sleep, leaving you feeling unrefreshed and miserable in the morning. If it has been a while since your last visit to the dentist, there’s no need to worry. The first step to cleaner, healthier teeth and a more confident smile starts by simply picking up the phone and making an appointment. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to take good care of yourself. During your appointment, be sure to feel free to bring up any concerns you have about chipped teeth, misaligned teeth, staining, or missing teeth that affect the quality of your life. At Aesthetic Dentistry of Ber- nardsville, one of the top goals is always patient care and satisfaction. Once your concerns are identified, the skilled team can address them with a customized cosmetic den- tal plan that works for your budget and your comfort level. These may include teeth whitening, veneers and crowns, implants, or orthodon- tic treatment, like Invisalign clear aligners. State-of-the-art technology like 3D x-rays and digital impressions make going to the dentist more con- venient and comfortable than ever before. If you’re ready to start smil- ing again, reach out to us and sched- ule a new patient exam or a cosmetic consult. The talented team at Aes- thetic Dentistry of Bernardsville is looking forward to making sure you are always PROUD TO SMILE! According to researchers at the University of Kansas, smiling can trick our brains into feeling happier and improve the health of our brains. Unchecked bacteria and plaque can damage your cardiovascular system, making you susceptible to stroke or heart attack. Worn down teeth can cause changes in your bite that may lead to headaches and jaw pain. SERIOUS DISEASES COULD RESULT DUE TO INFECTED TEETH THE LINK BETWEEN YOUR HEADACHES AND YOUR JAW I am sure you’ve heard the acronym “TMJ” before. TMJ stands for tem- poromandibular joints. These are the joints and jaw muscles that make it possible to open and close your mouth. What you may not know is that more than 10 million people across the country suffe from a TMJ disorder (TMD) and if left untreated, TMD can lead to chronic headaches, neck pain, and migraines. One of the first signs of TMJ problems is noise when opening or closing your mouth. I some people the noise is very quiet and hard to hear, in others it is loud enough to hear across the din- ner table. The r ason t e jaw is making noise is that the ligament between two bones is dislocati g and popping on or off the j wbone. This is not ormal or healthy! Occasionally, the jaw can become stuck or locked when the liga- ment dislocates between two bones completely blocking the jaw from fully closing or opening. W often see patient who have no id a they s ffer from TMD and have already been to various physicians seeking relief from their sym toms. It’ challenging to figure out what doctor is best to see because the migraines, headach s, ear pain, ringing in the ear, dizziness, and eye pain can be coming from different parts of the head and neck. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you might have TMD: • Headaches (daily, recurrent, nightly) • Migraines • Ear pain, fullness, congestion, wooshing • Jaw pain, cli cking, popping, crunching, locking • Face pain, numbness, tingling, shocking • Eye pain • Neck pain • Base of skull pain • Pain when chewing • Throat pain • Shoulder pain • Back pain • Difficulty opening mouth • N sal and Sinus congestion • Muscle twitching • Bite feels off or different than before • Numbness in hands or arms TMJ issues are progressive; they contin- ue to get worse over time and, if left untreated, can result in a permanent change in the bite and ability to chew. Therefore, don’t delay in requesting an examination for a proper diagnosis. Through physical examination, range of motion, joint sounds/vibrations, joint hard tissue images, patient histo- ry and interview, we can help get you a proper diagnosis and begin treat- ment so you can get on with your life! Treatment may include, a custom- made oral appliance, cold-laser thera- py, botox, and a multi-discipline refer- ral coordination. At Aesthetic Dentistry of Bernardsville, we are passionate about providing you with the quality dental care that you M edical M inutes
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