The Connection Bernards-Ridge Edition Sept-Nov 2024

THE BERNARDS-RIDGE CONNECTION PAGE 34 SEPT/OCT/NOV 2024 Has your spouse told you that (s)he wants a divorce? Or have you realized that you need to make some changes in your life, which means separating from your spouse? Either way, the next question is, “Now what?” Your first step is to make an appointment to consult with an experienced Family Law Attorney. The attorney you choose is important because it will set the tone for how your case will proceed. At Legband & D’Onofrio, LLC, Legband & D’Onofrio, LLC, we are here to guide our clients through the complex and difficult divorce process or family law issues. Our office is committed to working with you to obtain the best outcome for you. Our attorneys are experienced in mediation, litigation, arbitration, and collaborative law and we will use whatever process will get you the best outcome. With more than 80 years of experience and by continually keeping abreast of new developments in family law, we take our commitment to our clients seriously. Emotions run high in a divorce, but we stress the importance of keeping a long-term perspective, especially when children and finances are involved. Strategic advocacy is important to the ultimate goal. Settlements are tailor-made to your individual family’s needs. Being available to our clients is important to us at Legband & D’Onofrio. We return phone calls and emails and we make answering your questions and concerns a priority. Our hardworking and knowledgeable team is dedicated to providing our clients with the best future possible as they begin a new chapter in their lives. If you need us, we will be there for you. CONNECTION COMMENDS Legband & D’Onofrio has vast experience in all aspects of divorce including, but not limited to, custody and parenting-time issues, alimony, child support, college contribution, distribution of assets (including closely-held businesses), domestic violence, and post-judgment matters. Our court system is tremendously backlogged so, when appropriate, we utilize Alternate Dispute Resolution to help to get your matters resolved more quickly. Litigation, while appropriate in some cases, can be financially and emotionally expensive. Our trained and experienced mediators and litigators at Legband & D’Onofrio understand how to use alternatives to litigation to achieve your desired outcome. Feeling a level of comfort with your divorce attorney is important. You will be working closely with your attorney during a sensitive time in your life- whether it is through the divorce process or when addressing a family law issue. Equally important is that you feel confident in your attorney’s legal expertise and Feeling a level of comfort with your divorce attorney is important. You will be working closely with your attorney during a sensitive time in your life- whether it is through the divorce process or when addressing a family law issue. the advice given to you at a time when you are making critical decisions that will have a significant impact on your future. When you come to your initial consultation with Legband & D’Onofrio or any family law attorney, remember to bring a summary of your assets, debt, and income, if available, as well as any letters or other documents that have been exchanged or filed with the Court. The information that you provide in your consultation will assist us in giving you an accurate picture of what you can expect in your divorce. Write down any questions you have before coming to the consultation so that you remember to ask them. When you schedule a consultation with Legband & D’Onofrio, you will leave your appointment with an understanding not only of the court process, but also of the various ways in which mediation, arbitration, or collaborative law may work to your advantage. At Legband & D’Onofrio, LLC, we take your worries and fears and replace them with knowledge and a plan. We give you not only a general understanding of New Jersey divorce law but an understanding of how it impacts your particular circumstances. We engage in practical discussions with you that lead to effective solutions. Please give us a call and let us know how we might assist you in finding the best way to achieve a happier future. We look forward to meeting with you and learning how we can help. 93 South Finley Avenue Basking Ridge, NJ 908.696.7977 WHAT NOW? By Donna Legband and Michele D’Onofrio ZZZ OGODZRIÀFHV FRP 6RXWK )LQOH\ $YH %DVNLQJ 5LGJH 1- /HJEDQG ' 2QRIULR //&LV D IDPLO\ ODZ ÀUP ORFDWHG LQ WKH KHDUW RI %DVNLQJ 5LGJH 1HZ -HUVH\ 2XU DWWRUQH\V KDYH PRUH WKDQ \HDUV RI FRPELQHG OHJDO H[SHULHQFH LQ KDQGOLQJ DOO DVSHFWV RI IDPLO\ ODZ PDWWHUV $W /HJEDQG ' 2QRIULR ZH SULGH RXUVHOYHV LQ JLYLQJ SHUVRQDO DWWHQWLRQ WR RXU FOLHQWV ZKR DUH WU\LQJ WR QDYLJDWH WKHLU ZD\ WKURXJK WKH GLIÀFXOW DQG HPRWLRQDO H[SHULHQFH RI GLYRUFH RU RWKHU IDPLO\ GLVSXWHV LQFOXGLQJ GRPHVWLF YLROHQFH 2XU H[SHULHQFHG DWWRUQH\V VWD\ DEUHDVW RI WKH FRQVWDQWO\ HYROYLQJ DUHD RI IDPLO\ ODZ DQG SXW WKHLU NQRZOHGJH DQG H[SHULHQFH WR XVH LQ GHGLFDWHG UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ IRU \RXU OHJDO QHHGV :H ORRN IRUZDUG WR GLVFXVVLQJ \RXU IDPLO\ ODZ PDWWHU RU GLYRUFH ZLWK \RX 3OHDVH FDOO XV DW RU HPDLO XV DW LQIR#OGODZRIÀFHV FRP DQG ZH ZLOO VFKHGXOH \RX IRU D FRQÀGHQWLDO FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK RQH RI RXU H[SHULHQFHG DWWRUQH\V DQG VKRZ \RX KRZ ZH FDQ SXW RXU NQRZOHGJH DQG VNLOOV WR ZRUN IRU \RX )DPLO\ 'LYRUFH /DZ /LWLJDWLRQ 0HGLDWLRQ $UELWUDWLRQ