The Connection Bernards-Ridge Edition Sept-Nov 2024

Patty Kerrigan, RN, BSN is present to take blood pressure and discuss any health issues. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED. Questions, call Lina Calabrese 908-234-2377. RETIRED REGISTERED NURSES GROUP A social & informative monthly meeting of retired Registered Nurses who live in the area. Meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month at the Somerset County Library, Vogt Drive, Bridgewater from 10:15am-12pm. For more information email RUTGERS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF SOMERSET COUNTY 310 Milltown Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 908-526-6295 A wide variety of in-person events, classes, & programs for all ages. From virtual youth- based clubs to live cooking classes, our offerings are completely FREE & open to the public. For more info, visit SHADOWFAX BRIDGE CLUB 679 Bartley Road Chester Township, NJ A friendly, local bridge club hosts duplicate bridge sessions every Tues., Wed., & Fri. Pairs RU EHJLQQHUV ZHOFRPH SULYDWH OHVVRQV ZLWK DQ $&%/ FHUWLÀHG teacher available. Singles invited-friendly, suitable partners (including Life Masters) guaranteed if you need. Tues-free lesson hand played & discussed 9:30am, followed by a game limited to players with less than 750 masterpoints, 10am with play completed by 1pm. Wed. & Fri. games open to players of all levels, 10am. These sessions, more hands played, include a short break at noon (bring lunch), play ending 2pm. Card Fees $10 per player for regular games. Visit or call us at 908-879-3895. SOMERSET COUNTY SENIOR WELLNESS CENTER Senior Wellness Center at Basking Ridge 202 Mt. Airy Road Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Somerset County-operated senior wellness centers offer a nutritionally balanced lunch (4 different daily menu choices) for a suggested donation of $2.50 for anyone age 60 & above. Multi-purpose facilities offer a variety of activities, incl. educational programs, health & wellness information, & a stimulating social setting. Come join us Mon.-Fri., 9am-4pm for a variety of academic, health, & wellness opportunities. Programs are FREE for registered members unless indicated otherwise. 7KH 6RPHUVHW &RXQW\ 2IÀFH IRU $JLQJ DQG 'LVDELOLW\ 6HUYLFHV operates county-operated senior wellness centers and seniors can reach out for help at 1-888-747-1122. SPEECH MEISTERS TOASTMASTERS CLUB :RUOGZLGH QRQ SURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ ZKLFK helps develop public speaking, presentation & leadership skills. Online meetings held every Wed. at noon. Info, call Ken Schaefer at 732-356-6148. WOMEN WHO WRITE, INC. 5HJLRQDO ZRPHQ ZULWHUV· RUJDQL]DWLRQ QRQSURÀW FRUSRUDWLRQ ZLWK ZULWLQJ JURXSV that meet throughout New Jersey. Its goal is to assist women writers in every phase of the writing process – with critique groups, workshops, & discussions. Open Mic Reading - Sept. 29, 2-4pm. To become a member or see upcoming events, visit BERNARDS TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 32 South Maple Street Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 908-204-3031 or Hours: Monday - Thursday: 10am-9pm; Friday & Saturday: 10am-5pm; Sunday: 1pm-4pm. IN PERSON & VIRTUAL PROGRAMMING : Programs for Adults, NEED TO PROMOTE AN EVENT OR “LINK” YOUR ENTRY TO YOUR WEBSITE? CALL US AT 908-903-1799 Teens & Kids! Daytime & evening book discussions, lectures, cultural escapes & story time for kids! JOB SEARCH DATA BASES Find job listings & tools to help with your search. REFERENCE HELP Email: Call: 908-204-3031 x4; Text: 908-365-0776. VIRTUAL LIBRARY: Enjoy Virtual Access 24/7. Download Audiobooks, eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines. Learn a new language, get homework help, or access your library account. Place holds on items & receive courtesy emails & texts about due dates. MATERIALS AVAILABLE: Downloadables–Audiobooks, eBooks, eMagazines, Movies, Comics, Music; Large Type Books; Book Discussion Group Kits; Museum Passes; Video Games; Materials for English Language Learners; Materials from Main Library Alliance, the Raritan Valley Federation Libraries, and the Morris Union Federation Libraries; Chinese Language Books, Magazines and Newspapers; Local History Collection. /,%5$5< 2) 7+,1*6 ² :K\ EX\ ZKHQ \RX FDQ ERUURZ" This collection of non-traditional, circulating library items includes gadgets, tools, games, kits, electronics, & more — all available to check out for free with a library card. FIND US IN THE PARK (QMR\ D ZDON LQ 3OHDVDQW 9DOOH\ 3DUN DQG UHDG D GHOLJKWIXO FKLOGUHQ·V ERRN ZLWK %7/·V 6WRU\:DONŠ LQVWDOODWLRQV Pages from a book are attached to signs along a path and questions are posted to stimulate discussion & observation. THE FRIENDS D QRQ SURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ PDGH XS RI YROXQWHHUV Donations allow us to provide new & exciting programs for adults, teens & children, as well as cutting-edge technology & important resources. Email: or BERNARDSVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 1 Anderson Hill Rd. Bernardsville, NJ 07924 908-766-0118 or Fall/Winter Hours: Mon-Wed 10am-8pm; Thurs-Fri 10am-5pm; Sat 10am-2pm; Sun 1pm-5pm IN-PERSON & VIRTUAL PROGRAMS FOR ALL AGES: Upcoming Fall events include: storytimes, author visits, yoga and PHGLWDWLRQ FODVVHV ´VZDS GD\Vµ FRRNLHV ERRNV SODQWV PRUH book clubs, lectures, teen events & so much more! Visit our website for complete list of offering & registration details.STAY CONNECTED : Follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. Sign up to receive our e-newsletter on our website. ONLINE RESOURCES : E-books, eAudiobooks & digital magazines available through Libby (Overdrive). Movies, TV & music available to download through Hoopla. Multiple Research & Learning programs also available, including MANGO, Heritage Quest & 3HWHUVRQ·V 7HVW &DUHHU 3UHS %URZVH RXU FDWDORJ SODFH KROGV from the comfort of your home! MORRISTOWN & MORRIS TOWNSHIP LIBRARY 1 Miller Road, Morristown 973-538-6161, MMTLibrary. org, or email Hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 9am-9pm; Fri. & Sat.: 9am-5pm; Sun. 1-5pm $'8/7 7((1 &+,/'5(1·6 %22. &/8%6 352*5$06 Our events are both in-person & on Zoom – all are free & open to everyone! You do not need to live in Morristown or Morris Township to attend. Visit our website for info about a wide variety of offerings for kids, teens & DGXOWV 6XPPHU HYHQWV LQFOXGH \RJD TLJRQJ ÀOP QLJKWV OHFWXUHV VWDPS FOXE FKHVV FOXE ERRN FOXEV WRGGOHU VWRU\ WLPHV NLGV· crafts, The Morristown Festival of Books and much, much more! FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOK SALES: Our popular used book sales are every Tues., & 1st & 3rd Sats. of the month 10am2pm, Sept-June. Cash or checks only please. Book & media donations happily accepted inside the Library during all open hours. hours. Donations or volunteering, email the Friends at or visit our website: about-us/friends-of-the-library/. Lots of great new inventory added weekly! EBOOK, EAUDIOBOOK, DIGITAL MAGAZINES & STREAMING VIDEO: EBooks, digital magazines & eAudiobooks through Libby (Overdrive). Patrons also have access to streaming movies through .DQRS\ 6SDQLVK ODQJXDJH ÀOPV JDPHV WKURXJK 7KH 6KHOI :H·UH SOHDVHG WR EH DEOH WR QRZ RIIHU RQOLQH DFFHVV WR WKH :6- NYT! See website or ask a Reference staff member for more info. You can remotely access your local library all around the world! CAROLINE R. FOSTER NORTH JERSEY HISTORY & GENEALOGY CENTER: The Library has one of the best local history collections in the state of NJ! Visit us in person, online or email us QMKJF#PPW PDLQOLE RUJ WR ÀQG RXW PRUH DERXW \RXU IDPLO\ KLVWRULF home, or neighborhood. We have many digitized photos & research databases available online. NOT JUST BOOKS: :H KDYH DQ H[WHQVLYH ´/LEUDU\ RI 7KLQJVµ FROOHFWLRQ DYDLODEOH WR ERUrow including technology & photography devices; a Cricut & crafting equipment; pickleball & sporting equipment & much more. Check out our great collection of beautiful jigsaw puzzles! Museum Passes are very popular for many area attractions. &ROOHFWLRQV IRU 007 FDUGKROGHUV RQO\ SOHDVH SCLSNJ PEAPACK & GLADSTONE LIBRARY BRANCH Peapack Gladstone Municipal Complex School Street, Peapack 908-458-8440, Facebook, Instagram, X, or YouTube 6&/61-·V 3URJUDPV For a complete list of programs &/or to register visit, & on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Programs hosted virtually & available to all branches. Equal access to public accommodations. Little House on the Prairie-A Fifty Year Retrospective: Sept. 9, 7-8pm. Discover facts about the cast & series you may not have known. /RQJZRRG *DUGHQV <HVWHUGD\ 7RGD\ DQG 7RPRUURZ: Sept. 12, 7-8pm. Explore how the land & people of Longwood Gardens shaped one another through time & marvel at images of stunning Longwood landscapes & displays. A Look at Seven Groundbreaking Inventions by Latinx Innovators: Sept. 19, 7-8pm. Celebrate National Hispanic American Heritage Month by exploring inventions by Latinx innovators. 0RUYHQ 5HYHDOHG 8QWROG 6WRULHV IURP 1HZ -HUVH\·V 0RVW Historic Home: Sept. 23, 7-8 pm. Explore the former New Jersey *RYHUQRU·V 0DQVLRQ VKRZFDVLQJ ULFK FXOWXUDO KHULWDJH RI WKH Garden State. Check out museum passes to Morven Museum and Garden here: 7KH 6WDWH RI WKH 8WRSLD 3ODWR·V ´7KH 5HSXEOLFµ: Sept. 25, 7-8pm. This work, authored in the mid-fourth century BCE, has continued to shape political & philosophical thought across the Western world. 2ULJLQV RI D /HJHQG 7KH 1HZ -HUVH\ 'HYLO: Sept. 30, 7-8pm. 'LVFXVV RULJLQV RI -HUVH\·V PRVW IDPRXV P\WKRORJLFDO PRQVWHU identify real-life creatures that inspired the story that lives on today. “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel García Márquez: Oct. 7, 7-8pm. Celebrate National Hispanic American Heritage Month with this Colombian author & his novel that is considered one of the greatest works of world literature. Edgar Degas-Private Paradox: Oct. 16, 7-8pm. Discover the French Impressionist famous for his pastel drawings & oil paintings. J.P. Morgan-Financier of the Gilded Age: Oct. 21, 7-8pm. ([SORUH WKH OLIH RI $PHULFD·V JLOGHG DJH ÀQDQFLHU ZKRVH LQÁXHQFH is still felt. *DUGHQ 6WDWH RI 'HFD\ $EDQGRQHG 1HZ -HUVH\ Oct. 23, 7-8pm. Journey through forgotten properties & gain insight into the history & current state of these defunct properties. *RWKDP·V *KRVWV Oct. 24, 7-8:30pm. Discover the haunted history of New York City & visit notorious mansions, taverns, churches, parks, & more to reveal the paranormal side of The Big Apple. The Films of Alfred Hitchcock: Oct. 28, 7-8pm. Examine the extraordinary creativity of the master of suspense as one of the 20th FHQWXU\·V JUHDWHVW ÀOPPDNHUV ´%UXQHOOHVFKL·V 'RPHµ E\ 5RVV .LQJ Nov. 4, 7-8pm. An illustrated presentation of the procedures developed to successfully H[HFXWH WKH ZRUOG·V ODUJHVW PDVRQU\ GRPH 1DWLYH $PHULFDQ )RONZD\V 3UHVHQWHG E\ +LVWRULF &ROG 6SULQJ Village: Nov. 13, 7-8pm. Discover the customs, traditions, & origin stories of the original residents of Cape May County. ´0RUULVWRZQ 7KH 'DUNHVW :LQWHU RI WKH 5HYROXWLRQDU\ :DU DQG the Plot to Kidnap George Washington” by William Hazelgrove: Nov. 14, 7-8pm. Explore historical events of fall 1779, when George Washington took his 10,000 men into winter camp. Heroes On the Air: Nov. 18, 7-8pm. An audio-visual presentation that puts the spotlight on heroes who made their way from comic strips & comic books to radio in the 1930s. “The Lincoln-Kennedy Coincidences” by Jonathan Knight: Nov. 20, 7-8pm. Author Jonathan Knight will examine the similarities between the assassinations of presidents Abraham Lincoln & -RKQ .HQQHG\ WKDW KDYH EDIÁHG KLVWRULDQV Transforming Your Thanksgiving Leftovers-Virtual Cooking Class Presented by Laura Scheck: Nov. 25, 7-8:30pm. Strategically prepare for leftovers before the big day by maximizing your ingredients & your time & energy. “Linked” Online