The Connections Bridgewater Somerville Edition April/May 2023 SENIOR LIVING PAGE 38 By Ellyn Mantell Getting adequate nutrients is a challenge as we get older, for several reasons. Here are a few: the aging process means we need fewer calories, so each calorie we consume should be nutritionally dense. Additionally, the body becomes less ef - cient at absorbing some key nutrients. Furthermore, the ability to taste food declines, causing a lack of appetite. And lastly, some foods become dif cult to chew or digest. Vitamins and minerals have different jobs to help the body work optimally. Some help us resist infections and keep nerves healthy, while others may help our body get energy from food or help our blood clot properly. The following are some of the key vitamins and minerals for maintaining health as we age: VITAMIN B12 A true hero in creating red blood cells and DNA, and maintaining healthy nerve function is Vitamin B12. The richest sources include sh, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and other dairy products. B12 supplements are available, so it may be an important conversation to have with one’s physician. FOLATE/FOLIC ACID Too little of this essential B vitamin contributes to anemia. Fresh fruits and vegetables or forti ed breakfast cereals are good sources of Folate/Folic Acid. Again, supplements are readily available, so a conversation with one’s physician may be in order. CALCIUM AND PROTEIN Calcium plays many roles in the body, but it is most important for building and maintaining strong bones. Because calcium is so necessary for healthy functioning, if there is a lack of calcium available, our bodies will leach it from our bones. Fractures are some of the most dangerous risks the aging body faces. The daily recommendation for stronger bones is three servings of low-fat milk and other dairy products. Other sources include kale and broccoli, as well as juices forti ed with calcium. Both calcium and protein are necessary for bone health, and we are fully aware that protein is essential for organ integrity. If one is unable to digest milk products, supplements may be prescribed by a physician. VITAMIN D This vitamin, which is mainly produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight, helps the body absorb calcium, maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis. Additionally, it may also be linked to a lower risk of developing certain chronic diseases including cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and autoimmune diseases. In seniors, vitamin D de ciency has been linked to an increased risk of falling. One can nd vitamin D in fatty sh, forti ed milk & cereals, and milk products. There are many more nutrients that are necessary to overall well-being and health, and there is a great deal of information readily available online or through a physician’s of ce. A well-balanced diet, exercise, hydration, and rest combine to keep us performing at our optimum for years to come. A Senior Challenge: Keeping Up with Nutrients SENIOR CORNER Vitamins and minerals have different jobs to help the body work optimally. Some help us resist infections and keep nerves healthy, while others may help our body get energy from food or help our blood clot properly. If ever there was a time in life for acknowledging the yin and yang, this is it! For those who are not aware of the definition, the symbol is a swirling image in black with a white circle, and white with a black one, coming together in a round configuration. It is based on Chinese philosophy, and this, at its most rudimentary meaning, describes opposite but interconnected forces, such as good and evil or happy and sad. To be honest, I am not in an evil or sad place…I am good and happy-however… Moving to our beautiful new home in south Florida has countless benefits, and I haven’t even begun to explore all of them. Unpacking is taking so much longer than anticipated-no doubt partly because I am attempting to keep only those items that feel “imperative” (okay, I DO NEED every one of those white blouses!). But the other side of that is more of my time is spent doing fun things, such as socializing, attending classes, having coffee with a friend, and okay, going to doctor’s appointments…ah, the aging body! I will not lie and say that all of this is without some adjustments. Our condo is wonderful, however, there is one driveway and we have two cars. Forget even thinking of parking in the garage…where would all of the boxes that I have yet to unpack hang out awaiting my attention? Bruce and I are forever moving our cars around and taking care not to place the keys in the wrong place, preventing one of us from leaving. However, on the other side, is the fact that we are not dealing with snow or ice, so leaving the cars on the driveway is not a problem. Additionally, regardless of how many closets we have, it is NOT ENOUGH for all of those white blouses. Needless to say, these are all first-world problems and ameliorated by the sunshine. In truth, I need much less at this moment than ever before…the yin and yang of life. Admittedly, there is an aspect of living in our beautiful Garden of Eden that I had not considered. The reality is that in a world where so many are older, as we are, it is easy to become invisible. We must all look alike to those much younger. Our hair is graying; our skin isn’t glowing, and our bodies are not as toned as they once were. It is easy to see us as part of a unit…those of a certain age. We lose our individuality, and for a generation that fought to be unique, that is a bitter pill to swallow. But being one to not give up or give in, I have an antidote that I keep in the front of my mind whenever it is applicable. I remind myself that I am older, but I have life experiences, which make me wiser. And then I pull out my best weapon-a warm smile and a kind word. Works like a charm…learning from life’s experiences! The best part of our move is that we brought with us more than a cache of cartons and containers. We brought all of our precious memories deeply embedded in our hearts and souls. We also brought with us the knowledge that there are more memories to be made, and this is an important time of life to do so. There really is joy in knowing that others we meet have the same goal, hearts and arms are wide open, and we are ready to fully embrace that wonderful feeling! The best part of our move is that we brought with us more than a cache of cartons and containers. We brought all of our precious memories deeply embedded in our hearts and souls. Embracing a New Time of Life SLICE OF LIFE By Ellyn Mantell