The Connections Bridgewater-Somerville June-2019 One-on-one brain training may be a new concept to some, but our success is built on over 35 years of scientific research and the improved cognitive performance of over 100,000 brain training graduates (and growing). We've helped transform the lives of clients like these. How can we help you? • Children and adults with learning struggles, autism, ADHD, and/or dyslexia • High-performing students and successful adults looking for a competitive edge at school or at work • Seniors wanting to stay sharp; stroke patients; and victims of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Call this week. Mention this ad. Let our expert staff identify the "WHY" behind your struggle. (Usually, in 8 months or less!) “We struggled for years with Katie’s impulsiveness, lack of concentration, and her outbursts when she got frustrated. Her trainer was encouraging when Katie needed it but also firm and able to get her to focus. We are so happy that Katie did LearningRx!” (actual client testimonial) Train Your Brain. transf rm y ur life. OFSSB8Y3HOJOSBF- /*"3# OFSSBXNPDYSHOJOSBFMX XX O e-on-one b i training may be a ew concept to some, but our success is built on ov r 35 years of scientific esearch and the impr ved cognitive performance of over 1 0,000 brain training gradu tes (and growing). We've helped transform the lives of clients lik these. How can we help you? • Children and adults with learnin struggles, autism, ADHD, and/or dyslexia • High-performing s udents and ccessful adults looking f r a comp titive edge at school or at work • Seniors wanting to stay harp; stroke patients; and victims of Traum tic Brain Injury (TBI) or Mild Cognitive I pairment (MCI) Call this we k. Mention this ad. L t ou expert staff identify the "WHY" behind your struggle. OFSSB8Y3HOJOSBF- /*"3# OFSSBXNPDYSHOJO SBFMXXX LearningRx is a cognitive training cen- t er which offers specialty programs that s trengthen the skills the brain uses to think and learn. Mike DiCristino, franchisee since November 2015 at the Warren location, t ruly believes the LearningRx slogan “brain training is life changing.” DiCristino, who has a professional back- ground in finance, wanted to establish meaningful customer relationships in a dif- f erent setting other than corporate Ameri- c a. “I now am able to see students improve and watch their self-esteem grow,” he s ays. The LearningRx franchise system has 80 centers nationwide as well as interna- t ional franchises. The Warren location opened in 2010. Programs typically last 3-8 months. Trainers typically have education or psychology backgrounds, though other backgrounds, such as business, are also represented. Prior to hire, candidates are screened for cognitive skills and then com- plete 36 hours of training in addition to up to 10 hours of observations. Trainers are then certified after completing two tests. The most common difficulties for which students come to LearningRx include attention issues, reading and comprehen- sion problems, memory loss, and even trau- matic brain injury. Most families come to LearningRx by way of doctor recommen- dations or client referral. Ages of students vary from 5-85, although children aged 8- 13 are the majority. All programs provide one-on-one training, and typically meet three days a week. LearningRx staff is in constant contact with parents to discuss their children’s progress. “Building confi- dence is key and we want the students to walk out of here feeling better about them- selves,“ DiCristino notes. There are a variety of programs which range from 12 weeks of training to as long as 32 weeks of training. Every program has designated check-ins so the parents and staff are able to discuss student progress in person. With today’s hectic scheduling however, alternative means of check-ins are also possible, either via phone or email. The feedback the center receives from parents and teachers is what truly brings a smile to the trainers’ faces. “They like see- ing achievements being made and watch- ing their students’ confidence lift,” he says. One student sticks out in his mind. “She was a fourth-grade student who had diffi- culty with math, reading comprehension, and directions,” he mentions, “She did our ReadRx program and had amazing results. When she completed the program her mom commented on how much her school grades had changed. She improved in read- ing comprehension, her math test scores improved, and she could complete home- work faster and with less supervision.” Improvements don’t seem to stop in the classroom. Student athletes have told LearningRx trainers they can see the field better and perform better in their sports. LearningRx programs are wrapped up with a graduation celebration, after their post-program assessment is completed. “The students receive letters from their trainers and parents often remark on how their children’s focus improved and they now have the ability to multi-task,” DiCristino proudly mentions. LearningRx By: Katrina Musto Mike DiCristino Warren Leads the Way With LearningRx 34 Mountain Blvd. Warren, NJ 07059 908-222-7246 PAGE 15 summer programs 2019
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