The Connections Bridgewater-Somerville Edition Sept/Oct/Nov 2023 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 29 431 Route 22 East (Bishop’s Plaza), Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 (888) 460-4050 Come Learn What This Is Remove the Roadblocks to Healing with the Energy Enhancement System™ (EE System™) Frequency Session Stress is real • Energy is real • Let us help you with both! Detox your body • Restore your health ADVANCED FREQUENCY Energy Spa Our Frequency Modalities remove the roadblocks (free radicals and toxins) which are keeping our cells from functioning optimally. This allows oxygen to saturate our cells and helps our cells to max out energy output. This restores order and optimal health. Re Charge Your Life! Would You Like To Be a Super Human? There are alternatives that can improve and restore optimum health that are non-medical and holistic. Advanced Frequency Energy Spa, in Whitehouse Station, is a new cutting-edge center bringing health and wellness to our area. Upon opening in June, owners Michael and Trish Mahoney wanted to help their customers restore their energy, improve their health, and recharge their life. If someone is looking for more “spring in their step “or for a chance of joy once again, they have come to the right place. A sanctuary offering state-of-the-art technologies, popular on the west coast, is now available in NJ. The minute you walk in, you can feel the energy and peace. Upon entering the “Quiet Room” you step into a scalar field generated by a 24-unit Energy Enhancement System™ (EE System™). The EE System™ generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, reduce inflammation, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate mood, and assist in balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels. This stunning technology, developed by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D., DNM, DCSJI, uses specialized equipment to generate energy fields that can promote healing by energizing the mitochondria. “It’s all about the mitochondria in our cells,” explains Trish. “The mitochondria are the power plants of our cells, creating that electric spark that energizes the cells in our bodies.” Mitochondria make our energy from food, oxygen, and water. As we age, the mitochondria make less energy and are blocked by free radicals and toxins. This is aging. Scalar frequency energizes the mitochondria, restoring that youthful vigor, energy, and health. “An 84-year-old client, Mary, initially came in requiring a cane,” says Trish. After spending time in the energy spa, she proudly hung it on the reception desk and demonstrated how she could walk comfortably without it. She proudly exclaimed, “I no longer need it!” as Mary has improved the quality of her life. “What a beautiful thing! This is our mission. Who wouldn’t want more energy and independence?” How does this work? By being exposed to scalar waves. Clients enter the “Quiet Room” and sink into one of 24 comfortable lounge chairs, listen to calming frequency music, and relax. Nap or glance at one of three high-definition 86” screens displaying nature scenes of far away vistas, or be still, quieting the mind, recharging for your day. Energized mitochondria can do all sorts of great things for the body. Exposure to the EE System™ can significantly increase your energy, mental clarity, enhanced health, and overall well-being. Studies have shown that scalar frequency increases the length of telomeres, which are attached to chromosomes. Short telomeres are associated with inflammation, disease, and shorter lifespans. Longer telomeres are associated with good health and longer life spans. Scalar frequency increases their length and improves your life! The EE System™ has been recognized by dozens of medical, scientific, and professional conferences around the world. Packages are available. Be sure to inquire about special pricing for Vets, First Responders, and Seniors. Closed Sundays and Mondays, Advanced Frequency Energy Spa is open Tuesday-Friday, 10am-6pm, and Saturdays, 8am-3pm. 431 Route 22 East Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 (888) 460-4050 COMMENDS CONNECTION By Katrina Musto