The Connections Bridgewater-Somerville Edition Sept-Nov 2024 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 45 YOUR STRONGEST, HEALTHIEST SELF, STARTS NOW! • Specializes in wellness training for people living with disabilities/conditions that affect their daily responsibilities and routines • Utilizes sensory, cognitive, orthopedic & neurological approaches to improve physical, mental & neurological fitness • Our goal is to prevent poor health & lifestyle routines that can lead to injury, low self-confidence & decreased independence • Individual & group sessions available ALISON HAGGAN Occupational Therapist & &HUWLͤ HG 3HUVRQDO 7UDLQHU 732-595-7212 3OHDVH YLVLW RXU ZHEVLWH IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ (PDLO $OLVRQ DW Your Ability. Your Wellness. These challenges do not have to be faced alone! We would like to help! Flexible Hours: WFFLFOET r 6Q UP QN 'JU ZPVS TDIFEVMF In-Person & Virtual Visits Available Accepts Commercial Insurance and Private Pay Julian Fils Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, PMHNP-, MSN, APN 90 Washington Valley Rd., Bedminster (908) 549-3591 %P ZPV FWFS XPOEFS JG UIF GFFMJOHT ZPV BSF FYQFSJFODJOH BSF OPSNBM "SF ZPV XPOEFSJOH XIZ ZPV BSF TP GPSHFUGVM XIZ ZPV IBWF USPVCMF DPODFOUSBUJOH PS XIZ ZPV BSF FBTJMZ EJTUSBDUFE 1FSIBQT ZPV GJOE JU EJGGJDVMU UP XBLF VQ JO UIF NPSOJOH ZPV MBDL UIF NPUJWBUJPO UP QBSUJDJQBUF JO MJGF BOZNPSF BOE ZPV BSF TPNFUJNFT UFBSGVM GPS OP BQQBSFOU SFBTPO "SF ZPV IBWJOH EJGGJDVMUZ GBMMJOH BTMFFQ BU OJHIU PS XBLJOH VQ NVMUJQMF UJNFT UISPVHIPVU UIF OJHIU MFBWJOH ZPV GFFMJOH FYIBVTUFE UIF GPMMPXJOH EBZ %JE ZPV FYQFSJFODF USBVNB UIBU MFGU ZPV GFFMJOH BOYJPVT BOE UFOTF