The Connections Bridgewater-Somerville Edition Sept-Nov 2024

THE CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ART 2020 Burnt Mills Road Bedminster, NJ 07921 For information, gallery hours & to register for classes, contact Cyndi Wish, Executive Director at 908-234-2345, ext. 100, or visit Current Exhibit: September 27 – December 8 Opening Reception: Fri., Sept. 27; 6-8pm Solo Exhibitions: Angela Pilgrim: New Growth Barbara Wallace: Sculpture October 25 from 7-10pm $UW 3DORR]D $ %HQHÀW IRU 7KH &HQWHU Live & Silent Auction, Wood Fire Pizza Truck, Live Music, Signature Cocktails, Games of Chance November 1 – December 8 &UHDWLYH :RPHQ·V 6KRZFDVH Exhibition Opening & Artists/Vendor Showcase Friday, November 1; 5:30-9pm 3KRWR &UHGLW ´- 0DFNµ 7UDQVIHU 3ULQW 'HFRUDWLYH 3DSHU &ROODJH &RORUHG 3HQFLO E\ $QJHOD 3LOJULP FARMSTEAD ARTS CENTER All events take place on the historic Kennedy Martin Stelle Farmstead at 450 King George Rd., Basking Ridge. Art and Photography classes are held throughout the year. For more information about upcoming events and classes visit or email Inside our Gallery 6HSW ²2FW )DUPVWHDG 0HPEHUV· $UW ([KLELWLRQ Theater in the English Barn The Lord Stirling Theater Company presents Agatha &KULVWLH·V ´%ODFN &RIIHHµ Oct. 18, 19, 25 & 26 @ 7:30 pm; Oct. 20 & 27 @ 2 pm Events in the Farm House +LVWRU\ 7DON ZLWK -RHO )DUNDV ´3DLQWLQJ WKH 5HYROXWLRQµ Sun. Sept. 8 th @ 1pm Guitar Concert featuring Daniel Reyes Llinás Sun. Sept. 22 @ 2pm BRIDGEWATER GARDEN CLUB, INC. Service & civic organization will be meeting 4th Wed. of the month, Oct. 2024 - May 2025 at Christ Presbyterian Church, 1600 Washington Valley Rd., Martinsville. ProJUDPV LQFOXGH VSHDNHUV RQ KRUWLFXOWXUH ÁRZHU DUUDQJLQJ landscape design & conservation. Open to visitors at 11am following the monthly business meeting. New members always welcome! To attend a meeting or join, email, visit or Facebook: BridgewaterGardenClubofNJ. BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHIP SENIOR CENTER 455 Somerville Rd. Bridgewater, NJ 08807 908-725-8020. Open Monday-Friday, 9am-2:30pm. An active social club that helps meet the physical, mental, and social needs of Bridgewater residents 55 & above. Both in-person & virtual programs are offered. Questions? Contact Jennifer Osterberg at NEED TO PROMOTE AN EVENT OR “LINK” YOUR ENTRY TO YOUR WEBSITE? CALL US AT 908-903-1799 %5,'*(:$7(5 :20$1·6 &/8% P.O. Box 6071 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 7KH %ULGJHZDWHU :RPDQ·V &OXE LV D QRQ SURÀW VHUYLFH RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW supports local, state, national, and international charities. We are a proud member of the GFWC and the NJSFWC. We welcome new members and seek your ideas, talents, enthusiasm, and the time you have to offer. If interested, go to our website:, Facebook page, or contact Kathy at 908-725-1593. CENTRAL JERSEY HOUSING RESOURCE CENTER (CJHRC) Central Jersey Housing Resource &HQWHU &-+5& LV D +8' FHUWLÀHG QRQ SURÀW DJHQF\ LQ 6RPHUYLOOH 1- RIIHULQJ )5(( KRXVLQJ counseling services, resources and webinars to assist KRXVHKROGV ZLWK WKHLU KRXVLQJ DQG ÀQDQFLDO JRDOV :H RIIHU individual counseling or a combination of counseling & an online program; contact a CJHRC Counselor at 908-446-0036 for more information. Virtual webinars are also offered; registration can be done through our ZHEVLWH FMKUF RUJ RU E\ FRQWDFWLQJ RXU RIÀFH IRU WKH OLQN For individuals completing our pre-purchase counseling LQGLYLGXDO RQOLQH RU YLUWXDO D PRQWK FHUWLÀFDWH LV JLYHQ DIWHU FRPSOHWLQJ DOO UHTXLUHPHQWV 7KLV FHUWLÀFDWH LV LPSRUWant for down payment assistance grants; some as high as $19,500. Also, if you live/work and purchase in Somerset County, CJHRC is still accepting applications for the American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) grant which has XS WR DYDLODEOH &RQWDFW RXU RIÀFH WR OHDUQ PRUH Register for Upcoming Webinars ‡ GD\ 9LUWXDO +RPHEX\HU :HELQDU &HUWLÀFDWH 3URJUDP Sept. 9 & 11, 5:30-8:15pm. ‡ GD\ 9LUWXDO +RPHEX\HU :HELQDU &HUWLÀFDWH 3URJUDP Nov. 19 & 21, 5:30-8:15 pm. • Downpayment Resources Webinar Dec.12, 6:00-7:15pm. To get important housing announcements, resources & information, like us on Facebook (Central Jersey Housing Resource Center) or follow us on Instagram (cjhrc_housing) CJHRC posts weekly on social media. COURTHOUSE QUILTERS GUILD The Courthouse Quilters Guild meets the 3rd Sunday of each month at the Hunterdon County Complex, 314 State Route 12, Building #1, Flemington. Business meetings are 6:30-8:30pm, but we have special workshops before the meeting. Visit our website for more information FRIENDS OF THE SHELTER $ QRQ SURÀW YROXQWHHU organization committed to serving those affected by domestic abuse (24 hour emergency hotline: 866-684-1122). Funds are raised to EHQHÀW 6DIH 6RXQG 6RPHUVHW D 8QLWHG :D\ DJHQF\ 1HZ members welcome. Friends of the Shelter, PO Box 23, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. For more information, please email us at FRIENDS OF SOMERSET REGIONAL ANIMAL SHELTER 100 Commons Way Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807 908-725-0308 IMPACT100 GARDEN STATE Founded in 2013, we were inspired by D JURZLQJ QDWLRQDO WUHQG LQ ZRPHQ·V collective giving. The collective giving model enables us to combine the donations of many women to award meaningIXO JUDQWV WR ORFDO QRQSURÀWV 0HPEHUV UHSUHVHQW D PRVDLF of backgrounds, occupations, experiences, priorities, & interests. Together, we prove that the power of one woman multiplied by many equals an impact that can change lives. For info or to join-contact Celeste INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS CLUB (IFC) Social club for foreign national women currently residing in the US & American women who have lived internationally. Club fosters cultural understanding, promotes formation of social ties within the international community, provides a place to share mutual experiences through a variety of interests & activities. Monthly coffee mornings held Sept– June with presenters & a wide variety of activities available including outings (locally & in NYC), book club, food appreciation, weekly hiking, out to lunch, movies & more. More info at or email JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF SOMERSET, HUNTERDON & WARREN COUNTIES 150-A West High Street, Somerville, NJ. For information or to register for programs & events, contact Elise Prezant, JFS at 908-725-7799 or, or Volunteers Needed: Volunteers interested in being matched with families seeking support from a caring home visitor, with seniors who are often isolated, lonely & eager for cognitive stimulation, or who need someone to provide grocery shopping or other support. Will receive training. Therapists Needed: We are seeking LSW/LCSW theraSLVWV +\EULG ZRUN VW\OH ÁH[LEOH KRXUV EDVHG RQ SRSXODWLRQ served. Welcoming & supportive team environment with group / individual supervision included & ongoing CEU training. Café Europa: A social group for Holocaust Survivors. Job Seekers Success Group: For active job seekers focusing on strategies & issues affecting a job search. Free & open to the community. Social Learning Group: A 10-week program, meeting on Sundays, focuses on social, relationship & communication skills for teens on the Autism spectrum. Social Club: For Young Adults with Asperger Syndrome or Developmental Challenges. Group meets twice a month. Sibling Support Group: Peer Support for brothers & sisters of children with special needs. Meet other siblings who have similar experiences in a relaxed atmosphere. Parent Support Group: Peer Support for parents with a special needs child. An opportunity to come together with other parents who share similar experiences of parenting. Led by a LCSW w/experience working w/these families. “Linked” Online “Linked” Online