The Connection Warren-Watchung Edition Apr/May 2019

PAGE 84 THE WARREN-WATCHUNG CONNECTION APRIL/MAY 2019 Sign up for the newsletter and receive free templates and tips on getting things done in your business. Change Your Business Change Your Life A group of women committed to growth, learning, sharing & building momentum. Would you like regular access to new ideas for your business, networking that works and a group of women invested in your success? Are you unsure what to prioritize and how to get going on your business goals? » Soloprenuer does not mean you have to work alone, your answers may be right here. » Best practices for keeping momentum and focus on income producing opportunities. » Explore how you can feel more calm and work smarter not harder. Andrea Silvershein, an experienced certified Business Coach, laser focused on helping women grow their business. WAIT LIST IS FORMING FOR MAY / JUNE 2019 WOMEN’S BUSINESS COACH More Details at: Let’s Chat & see if this program is right for you! FOCUSING YOUR TIME ON WHERE THE INCOME IS It may sound cliché but the saying is so applicable, true, and effective th at one cannot ignore it. Being an en trepreneur and small business o wner today, one is compelled to be innovative and a professional m ulti-tasker and delegator. FOCUS ON PRIORITIZING To work smarter means that one do es not waste time, energy, or res ources on tasks that are either ins ignificant or inefficient. If we fo cus on what our priorities should be then we are increasing our effi- cie ncy. Many new entrepreneurs te nd to want to do everything th emselves, and even though it’s good to know all that is involved in our business, we cannot do every- thing ourselves and do them well. Often seeking perfection leads to procrastination and nothing gets completed. “Time is money,” resonates with entrepreneurs because often we are the business and our time is what we are selling. Though our business focus may not be explicitly on making money, a business will be successful only if it is profitable enough to stay viable. Creating sus- tainable systems that do not involve you at every turn is a huge game changer that I work with my clients on. We want our work to be worth our time and using our brilliance on developing ideas and moving things forward, not wasting time doing what others can do better. Don’t waste time trying to get done the things you dislike most, this is where you will get sidelined. GETTING THINGS CROSSED OFF THE LIST Taking time to organize and evalu- ate what needs to be done is time well spent. When we make a list of what we are able to do, and dele- gate to someone else what we can- not do, tons more gets done. Just because we are able to do some- thing ourselves doesn't mean that it is best for us to do it. There may be professionals who dedicate themselves specifically to that one task; their undivided attention on that one task may be more effec- tive to getting to completion. Focusing on the tasks that will bring in income is where I direct my clients, this is what will ultimately allow you to delegate the work that does not excite you. When we are making progress towards a certain goal, it serves as motivation and creates space for us to spend more time doing what we enjoy and reaping the benefits of running your own business. Happy to talk about ways to improve your efficiencies and your income for your business. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER! By: Andrea Silvershein, Business Development Coach