The Connections Warren Watchung Edition Feb-March 2021 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 46 I’m sure you’ll agree, this year has been quite a show stopper. It’s become clear there’s not much we can do to control the world outside ourselves. I bet there’s not one of us, who 5 years ago, would have correctly answered “where will you be in 2020?” Topsy turvy to the point of sometimes feeling even unbelievable, you may be look- ing for a way to remain calm in these chaotic times. What we thought was real, is not. What we thought was not, is. Everything is different. With everything different and upside down, how do we remain right side up? Feeling peace and calm is an inner game. Like me, you probably had a plan and expectation for how your year would go. We can never be sure of an outcome, even when we have a rm plan in place. Part of feeling peace and calm is the ability to ow with whatever is. The other part is working with what we do have control of which is our ability to choose inner peace and calm. The state of peace is available to all of us at any time we need or want it. The way we do that is tune in to our deepest knowing. Our deepest knowing is our in- tuition, our wisdom, our connection to the Divine. Whether you call it “the Universe, God, or Higher Power, its very essence is love, peace and joy. There are things we can do to amp up our inner game and access these states of peace, love, joy, and, calm. Here are 6 practices for shifting from cha- os to calmness. Choose what works and do your best to be gentle and kind with yourself. 1) Nature -Get out there! • Into the woods for a walk -touch a tree while you’re there. • Off to the beach for healing sounds from the ocean -dip your feet into the water while you’re there -take a deep breath of the salty air. • If neither of these is available to you, take a walk in the neighborhood or take off your shoes -let your feet touch the earth. 2) Water -Drink up! • Get plenty of fresh water to keep hy- drated and calm -half your body weight in ounces is an often recommended amount to drink -a squeeze of lemon and a splash of pure cranberry juice is added fun. • Soak it up! Soak in the tub - add some Epson salt, lavender for an even more relaxing feeling. 3) Space -Create a sacred one! • Designate a box, a corner, a chair, a ta- ble, a room as your very own space. It can be as simple as a tray or table you turn into your sacred altar -place favor- ite meaningful tokens and trinkets that you love -crystals, rosary beads, rocks, bells, statues, photos -you name it -it’s your space. When you need to retreat and calm down-your space will be wait- ing for you to relax into. 4) Place -Clean it up! • A clean and orderly place helps create inner calmness. If you don’t know where to start -pick a drawer and clean that. Then pick another one and clean that one. Change your sheets - rear- range your cabinets -clean the fridge -sort your art supplies -throw out old pens that are out of ink -purge your closet. 5) Sound - Turn it on! • What soothes you? Classical, country, instrumental? Music is a turn on to turn up your vibration -pick what you love and feel into it. • Take an early morning walk -listen to the sounds of the birds -the rustle of the leaves. Guided meditation music is avail- able on YouTube for free - nd one you resonate with and let yourself relax into it. 6) Silence -Hush up! • They don’t call silence golden for no rea- son. It is! You can do “silence” anywhere - on a walk, in a chair, on a bed, standing in the kitchen while cooking. Silence is the way we connect within -to hear the voices of guidance and inner wisdom. • Don’t get caught up in having to do “meditation” in a certain sort of way -your way is perfect. Don’t worry about getting it right -relax into the silence and see what comes up for you. When we spend time on ourselves, digging deep and centering in, we start to see our outside circumstances begin to also change. Our inner change affects the way we perceive things outside of us. The more we bring peace, love, joy, calm to ourselves, the more we’re able to bring it to others and to the world. Rosie Battista is Life Coach & Spiritual Counselor helping you get rid of limiting beliefs that hold you back from living your best life and dream business. Email Rosie at Our deepest knowing is our intuition, our wisdom, our connection to the Divine. Whether you call it “the Universe, God, or Higher Power, its very essence is love, peace and joy. When we spend time on ourselves, digging deep and centering in, we start to see our outside circumstances begin to also change. Our inner change affects the way we perceive things outside of us. REMAINING CALM DURING CHAOTIC TIMES by Rosie Battista The Sleeping Naked After 40 Lifestyle LET YOUR WORD BE YOUR GUIDE! B sie Battista Unlike a resolution that is specific and sometimes narrowly f cused, your word grows with you. What’s in a word? Your word repres nts an idea/ feeling that you continually rise up to. Your word is ke t top and center of all your actions and decisions throughout the year. Chances are, you might have ever so slightly slid or even slam dunk fallen off your recently created, best intended, New Year’s resolution. Don’t worry; I’m not beating on you for it. As a matter of fact, according to U.S News & World Report, you’re in the boat with lots of others. The failure rate is 80%, and most lose their re- solve by mid-February, which is exactly why I’ve got a solution to your broken resolution. Several years ago, I resolved to end this ri- diculous idea. Why would I set myself up know- ing that the odds are massively against me? I replaced it with a new practice called “Word Of The Year” or “WOTY”. It’s a kinder, gentler, and I would argue, a more powerful chang a ent that keeps you going through- out the year – making remarkable changes in your growth and attitude. What’s cool is that your word adjusts to each particular situation and different circumstance that comes along in your life. WHY I CHOSE MY WOTY Truth be told, my word this year was exact- ly that. TRUTH. It’s the word that kept coming to me and so I decided it would be given the place of honor for 2021. Once you see how my word will fit into my life, you’ll see how yours will fit into yours. My WOTY reminds me that my focus and my goals all lead with truth. It means that I will choose truth, being always indful that I speak my truth. That I know the ultimate truth, w ich enables me to further my relationship with God. That I will seek th truth and ot be blindly led by news or gossip. That I will allow others to experience their truth without judging them or trying to talk them into mine. Wow, right? I know it’s so xpansive! My one word has deeper legs than ny resolution I could have made. It’s easier to navigate and keep work- ing with. It’s fun as I can watch myself learn and grow from it and apply it directly to each life sce- nario I ncounter. HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR WOTY So here’s what you do. First, reflect on it – You can do this by visualizing what your per- fect day feels like. What is your morning routine, how do you feel while you are working, how do you feel throughout the day? Think of the feeling (what you would want your perfect day to feel like) and look at words that match your feeling. Make a list of the words that speak to you. For example, you can make a list like this: Action, balance, integrity, health, simplicity, peace, creativity, grace, patience, joy, fun, focus, growth… you get the idea. Use your feelings and look up words that represent them. Words you can aspire to and have fun with. Circle 2-3 words that jump out to you. Second, meditate on it – Place yourself in a re- laxed state. Set the scene with soft music, candle- light. Close your eyes and let your intuition flow. Let it do the work. Which word will be yours for this year? Ask yourself what feels right, exciting, and even a little scary? (And don’t wor- ry; you can pick 2 if you’re really fond of them) This is a great way to practice your intuitiv guidance – so allow it to lead the way. WHY IT WORKS It w rks becaus it’s simple. It’s doable and it’s actionable. It’s fun and easy to kee your word with you. Here are 4 fun nd eff ctive w ys to k ep your word: 1. Post it – You can write it on a post-it note and stick it on your refrigerator, bathroom mirror, and computer. 2. Book Mark it – This is my favorite thing to do. I cut a piece of pretty paper to bookmark size, writemy word, decorate with images, and lam- inate it. You can do this at staples or you can purchase your own laminator. Big tip: I bought a laminator years ago for this very project. You can turn this WOTY idea into an annual family New Year event. 3. Frame it – My daughter does this every year. She writes her word, and the definition along with it – so she’s super clear on her goal – puts her frame front and center in her home so she sees it every day. 4. Bead it – One year I even made a beaded bracelet with that alphabet beads you can find at the craft store. This is super fun because your arm is never far from you. If you d n’t want to involve yourself in making your wn, there are companies out that there will do this for you – che k out ETSY. The point is you want to make your word your point. Your WOTY is expansive. It has the meaning you give it and can be applied to all areas of your life – remember the example I showed you with my truth. It becomes the foundation you build upon. Unlike a resolution that is specific and sometimes narrowly focused, your word grows with you. You’ll find it less restrictive and you won’t throw in the towel. You can use your word in your daily meditation journaling or as a mantra to keep you focused. Don’t sweat that it’s not the beginning of a new year at this moment. Now is the perfect time to begin this new practice that will take you thru the rest of this year feeling focused and good about what you’re up to. Rosie Battista teaches Self Love You-ten- sils and Spiritual Essentials for remembering who you truly are- creating a life & business you love. Check out her Journal Club meeting weekly to work on your personal growth – text 908 -872-8613 for more info. Connect, Grow, Share The Journaling Group Group Meets on Zoom. Learn the benefits of journaling for health & wellness. Learn different types of journaling & what works best for you. Develop a personal practice of journaling. Conneсt & share with likeminded ladies. Email for details and enrollment Weekly Limited Hours - Call for Appointment We've got your back during COVID-19
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