The Connections Warren Watchung Edition Feb/Mar 2022 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 22 SUSAN R. CARTER, M.D. Director of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Diplomat American Board of Ophthalmology Fellow American Society Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons Former Professor at the University of California at San Francisco With over 15 years of cosmetic and reconstructive experience Restore Your Natural Beauty 65 Mountain Blvd. Ext. Warren, NJ 07059 In the Warren Medical Center Across from the ACME COSMETIC EYELID ENHANCEMENTS BOTOX JUVEDERM RESTYLANE RECONSTRUCTIVE EYELID SURGERY THE EYE CENTER LIKE us on Facebook CALL FOR YOUR CONSULTATION TODAY (732) 356-6200 WINTER SPECIAL Implant Crown & Abutment $2000 (per tooth) I was always one for waiting till the New Year, or the beginning of the month, or next Monday, to start. I’m talking about starting that thing that I know is right for me. Can you relate? How many times have you pushed your “eating better” off to a fu- ture date? I realize now it was a way of sabotaging my goals. As you can imagine, as Monday came around, and I didn’t officially start, I had no option but to wait for the following week. That equates to time marching on and you never getting started. Stuck exactly where you are. What I’ve finally learned is that the time is always now. Right now! This revelation is such a relief because it gives you perpetual options. You always have a choice and you can always begin again. A fresh start! A new beginning! Right at this very moment … right now. So let’s chat about it right now. The first question to ask is “where are you now?” The second question to ask is “where do you want to be?” When that’s clear, the road to your goal is right in front of you ready to step onto. Since it’s a new year, you might be con- templating new health goals and that’s a good place to start. You can start with your next meal. Think about how you can improve that meal … and then the next one. Taking one meal at a time and making thoughtful, smart choices feels freeing. Healthy choice after healthy choice adds up to the heathy YOU and the results you want. Here are 5 simple changes that will imme- diately act to improve your health. You can start today. 1. Get Out There. Get into the fresh air and open sky. Hug a tree, listen to the birds. Nature is God’s medicine to us. Simply stepping into a garden or forest can shift your state of being to one of peace and calm. You’ll feel like a new person after a 15- minute daily investment. 2. Practice. Practice. Practice. By writing down 10 things you’re grateful for when you get up in the morning and 10 things you’re grateful for when you lay down at night, you are rewiring your brain to see things differently. You’ll feel happier and more satisfied within a day of doing this. 3. Hit the OFF button. Replace the news with educational videos where you can learn a fun craft or new skill. Your brain will work better, you’ll feel more joyful and you’ll be smarter too. 4. Read. Know. Choose. Know what you are eating. If you can’t pronounce the in- gredient, avoid it. Choose items with 5 or fewer ingredients that make sense to the product. Your body is your temple and it is your job to treat it well. Choose foods that are as close to its natural state as possible, like an apple - simple and easy to grab and carry around with you. Start substituting an apple for that bag of chips you’ve been picking on. You’ll feel better and sleep deeper after a few days of implementing this clean eating practice. 5. Walk. Walk. Walk. You can do this any- where. Cultivate a habit that gets you walking for at least 20 minutes a day. That means setting your phone timer for 10- minutes and walking outside. As soon as it beeps, you can walk back. If you want to go longer, start listening to audio books. Walk for a chapter or two and turn around. A doggie can help too. Rescue one that needs a walking partner. As you can see by these 5 suggestions, it doesn’t need to be difficult to get on the right path toward the change you want. Tak- ing good care of yourself is a gift you not only give to yourself but also to those you love by showing up as the best version of YOU in every relationship, situation, and cir- cumstance. Start right now and do the right thing. Rosie is a Spiritual Counselor who teach- es Self Love-You-tensils & Spiritual Essen- tials. If you’d like more about journaling visit her blog at or join Rosie’s weekly Journaling Group for connection and clarity. for more info The first question to ask is “where are you now”? The second question to ask is “where do you want to be?” When that’s clear, the road to your goal is right in front of you ready to step onto. Taking good care of yourself is a gift you not only give to yourself but also to those you love by showing up as the best version of YOU in every relationship, situation, and circumstance. IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO DO THE RIGHT THING by Rosie Battista The Sleeping Naked After 40 Lifestyle