The Connections Warren-Watchung Edition Feb-Mar 2024 PAGE 40 DINING OUT HEALTH & WELLNESS NEW YEAR NEW YOU! NO SHOTS. NO PRESCRIPTIONS. LOSE UP TO 20-40 POUNDS IN JUST 40 DAYS Did the holidays get the best of you? Didn't stick to that resolution? LET'S GET HEALTHY AND LOSE WEIGHT! NATURALLY! CALL 908-279-7740 NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION Or Visit Our Website 3 Mountain Blvd., Warren, NJ 07059 “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” -Dolly Parton How do you attain balance in a world where you’re running constantly and always feeling overwhelmed and unfocused? Here are a few concepts to think about that can help improve the overall quality of your time at work and with your family. 1. CLEAR THE MIND-There is a saying that still waters run deep. When the water is still all the silt settles to the bottom and you can see clearly. This is similar to how the mind works. When one sits still to rest or meditate, one’s mind becomes clear and new visions and direction can settle into place. It helps you clarify what is important and what the best actions can be moving forward. Still waters run deep also represents the tremendous power one can gain from quieting the mind and sitting still in a mild meditation. Try this...even if it’s just a 10-minute break from work once during the day. First, sit or stand in a comfortable posture. This will allow you to breathe naturally and get in a centered state. Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and exhale through your mouth for 5 seconds or more. Do this and just concentrate on your breathing in and out and eventually, there will be no thought. Your goal will be to attain what the Japanese call “Mushin”, which means no mind. After a while fresh ideas and brain. I have gotten my most valuable ideas and insights on what I should be doing with my business during these times of mini-meditations during the day. 2. PUSH YOURSELF OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE-Sometimes doing things that are new and uncomfortable are the best ways to bring balance into your life. I don’t or not as hard. When we push ourselves further than we think we can go, there is an amazing feeling of satisfaction we get because there is no success without hard work. If you think it’s because there are people out there more talented than you, remember this... hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. When you’ve pushed yourself and put in 100%, it allows you the ability to spend time with your family without looking over your shoulder and saying, “I should have done this” or “I should have done that”. You can now focus on your spouse, children, and friends knowing you put the time and effort into your work. 3. BUILD YOUR OWN MIND MAP-What does your world look like on paper? Sure, I have my goals and action lists in digital form, but the actual movement of writing has its is a study that shows college students retain 30% more information when they handwrite the information during class versus typing it? I’m a big believer that until it’s written down it’s only a wish. Having a visual on paper allows the mind to see your commitment to action. As they say...out of sight, out of mind. I’ve been doing this for over 25 years. I call it my Mind Map. I put my main goal in the center of an 11x17 piece of paper and then draw lines out like the spokes on a wheel to various activities that contribute to the main goal. When we view our world of activities most of us have a checklist or “to-do” list or something linear to look at that reminds us what priorities and actions we need to take. An organic circular view allows us to see more of a connection with the projects we’re working on. Calming the mind, pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, and having a clear picture of where you are and where you’re going can give you the peace of mind that people seem to call “being balanced” in life. Barry Farber is a best-selling author, an award-winning radio and television host as well as an agent and marketing consultant for corporations, professional athletes, and entertainers. He’s also the creator and marketer of the FoldzFlat® Pens. His latest release is an inspirational children’s book, In Search of the Magic Tree, available at THE ART OF LIVING 3 Keys to Living a More Balanced and Rewarding Life By Barry Farber, Diamond Minds