The Connections Warren-Watchung Edition Feb-Mar 2024 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 45 At Performance, we treat the root cause of your pain, rather than just your symptoms. Somerset County’s Premier Spine & Joint Pain Specialists 908-751-1010 Call Today Medicare Accepted | No Referral Required BRANCHBURG | SOMERSET | WATCHUNG Back pain is a prevalent issue for adults, especially as they age, with 80% of the population experiencing it at some point. The causes are numerous, including muscle strain, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, osteoporosis, herniated discs, and years of poor posture. This discomfort can significantly diminish quality of life, prompting visits to doctors and limiting daily activities. However, traditional surgery isn’t the only path to relief; non-surgical and minimally invasive methods are proving effective for many. Below are 7 options that go beyond traditional surgery: Physical Therapy Physical therapy is a vital part of managing back pain. It involves hands-on manual therapy and targeted exercises that strengthen the back’s supporting muscles, improving flexibility and stability. These targeted routines, under professional supervision, can mitigate pain and protect the spine. Adjunct modalities like heat, ice, compression, and muscle-release techniques may also be employed during sessions. Injection-Based Treatments For inflammation-related pain, injection-based treatments like epidural steroid injections offer significant relief. These injections deliver powerful anti-inflammatory medication directly to the affected area, reducing swelling and discomfort. Facet joint injections directly address pain in the facet joints by delivering steroids to reduce swelling and pain. Similarly, sacroiliac (SI) joint injections target the joint between the spine and the pelvis, providing relief from lower back pain that originates from this area. Radiofrequency Ablation Radiofrequency ablation involves heating specific nerves to interrupt pain signal transmission. This minimally invasive approach can provide long-lasting relief without damaging the nerves permanently. - Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression (MILD) Addressing spinal stenosis, the MILD procedure removes small portions of bone or thickened ligament pressing on nerves. It’s done with minimal disruption to surrounding tissues, resulting in a quicker recovery than traditional surgery. Regenerative Spine Procedures Emerging regenerative spine procedures, such as stem cell therapy and Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC), offer innovative alternatives. These therapies utilize the body’s natural healing abilities, where stem cells or concentrated bone marrow aspirate are injected into the affected area to potentially promote the repair of damaged tissues. These treatments, often used in combination, can manage pain effectively without the need for traditional back surgery. Advances in medical treatments continue to provide new pathways to comfort, allowing you to lead more active and enjoyable lives. At Performance Rehabilitation & Regenerative Medicine, we use a proven teambased approach to get to the root cause of your pain and get you back to living life free of pain. Don’t let lower back pain limit you any longer. Call to book an appointment today at 908-751-1010. MEDICAL MINUTES Back Pain – Relief Options Beyond Traditional Surgery Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompres