The Connections Warren-Watchung Edition Feb-Mar 2024 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 49 *Reiki Master healing sessions available* 2 North Rd, Suite 3, Warren, NJ 07059 Please call or email: Irene Lebbad, MSW, LCSW 908.963.7645 , LLC The start of a new year can feel like a new beginning and also presents an opportunity to reflect on our lives and where we would like to be in the future. Although we may set lofty goals, those goals can also present great opportunities to overcome struggles with willpower, determination, and ingenuity. Resolutions are often much easier to make than keep and it is easy to abandon our resolve by February and settle back into our old patterns. So often our sincere intentions to make meaningful changes to our lifestyles, work, health, or relationships fall flat and never materialize due to fear of failure. Pushing through the fears that inhibit our progress is important to ensuring our success. We may profess that we need to make life changes, but change is scary and sometimes out of our control. How can we embrace change when we feel we can’t control the outcome? We can embrace change by focusing on the facets of our lives that we can control. Recognizing what needs changing and realizing our own potential to commit can go a long way in helping us reach our goals and regain a sense of control over our quality of life. Here are some suggestions to kickstart your wellness goals for the New Year: 1. Keep your resolutions short and simple so they have a chance of succeeding. Try small incremental changes you can control. Stick to 1-2 goals maximum. 2. Brainstorm to choose your goals wisely; then make a detailed plan. Consider the tactics you will use when faced with a challenge. When things get difficult, what strategies will you use to stay focused? This will prepare you to face obstacles more easily. 3. Be realistic about how much time you can afford to devote to your plan so you don’t sabotage your goals by being too ambitious. 4. Find a like-minded pal or loved one to join you in your goal for extra support and motivation. 5. Be sincere about actually wanting to make changes vs. family and friends pressuring you to do so. When others think they know what’s best for you, resolutions don’t stick! Empower yourself in knowing what goals work best for you, not others. 6. Track your progress and keep track of each small success. Short-term goals are easier to keep and each small accomplishment will help keep you motivated. Lastly, don’t make the exact same resolution year after year. If you do choose to reach for the same goals you’ve tried in the past, spend some time evaluating your previous results. If altering your resolution can make it more feasible, try changing your approach to see real results this time. Remember, YOU are in control of the outcome so make it a positive and intentional one! Believe in your own power. You can do this! Wishing you a happy and healthy 2024! Irene C. Lebbad, MSW, LCSW The Center for Intrapersonal Wellness, LLC HEALTH HOTLINE Embracing Our New Year’s Resolutions By Irene C. Lebbad, MSW, LCSW