The Connections Warren-Watchung Edition February/March 2025

PAGE 23 KIDZ CONNECTION We at Diamond Hill Montessori guide children following Dr. Maria Montessori's philosophy of educating the whole child. Our teachers support and nurture all areas of child developemnt and learning. Through purposeful activities, your child will acquire a sense of well-being and confidence that will help them reach and meet challenges throughout life. • Toddler Class (2.5 - 3.5 years) • Primary Program (3-6 years) • Kindergarten Curriculum • Special Programs • Extended Care • After School Enrichments • Summer Camp ABOUT OUR SCHOOL OUR PROGRAMS ummer camp is so much more than playing sports and doing arts & crafts. Yes, your child participates in a variety of activities. The magic of camp, however, is found in the things that happen while participating in all the camp has to offer. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone – Camp is full of a range of new experiences like trying a new sport, zipping down a zip-line, living in a bunk with other campers, or, if not at a sleepaway, learning a new skill, craft, or hobby. Summer should be all about letting your kids step out of their comfort zone and maybe even reinvent themselves. Independence – Just going to camp and being away from their parents helps children trust their judgment and prompts them to do things independently. From getting on the camp bus each morning to picking their own activities for the day to choosing their food at mealtime, each day presents opportunities for small steps towards independence. Limiting Screen Time – Many camps don’t allow for smartphones or any personal electronics. Children put their screens away and communicate face-to-face when participating in activities. They get to practice communication skills that often get lost in texting or on social Confidence Building – When children pass a swim test to the next level, get a bullseye in archery, or make a new friend, they are building confidence. Each success makes them feel good about themselves. Camp is full of confidence-building moments all summer long. Strong Friendships – Camp is a supportive environment where children are together in a non-academic environment and where the focus is on fun and connecting with others. CAMPCONFIDENTIAL Summer Camp is MagicalDon’t miss the upcoming Camp Fairs! Build Resilience – At camp, kids may be confronted with tough situations like getting over homesickness or not passing the deep-water test at first. Dealing with hard things like these and knowing they are ok is a valuable life skill for all children. Building resiliency is an important skill that all kids need to possess to be able to handle life’s challenges. Reinvent Yourself – If your child is known as the shy, quiet kid at home, camp offers the chance to reset and be whoever they would like to be. Now is the time to plan an amazing summer for your child. Come to a camp fair to explore a great variety of summer camps. It’s a free opportunity for NJ families to meet directors from traditional day camps, sleep-away camps, or specialty camps like sports, adventure, travel, academic, arts/performing arts, STEM, robotics, nature, and more. Come to some or all of the fairs to understand your options. A different set of camps will be at each fair. 2025 NJ Camp Fairs Coming to Your Local Area…Free admission, 12-3 pm Saturday, February. 1: Paramus NJ Camp Fair at Bergen Town Center Sunday, February 2: Montclair NJ Camp Fair at Montclair Art Museum Saturday, February 8: Ridgewood NJ Camp Fair at Village of Ridgewood Saturday, February 22: Morris County NJ Camp Fair at Morris Museum Saturday, March 1: Edison NJ Camp Fair at Menlo Park Mall, Edison Please RSVP now at Ask questions, pick up materials, sign up for a camp tour, and take advantage of early bird discounts. Kids ages Pre-K through High School go to camp! Camps will be hiring camp counselors too. Bring the kids! For over 35 years, the NJ Camp Fairs and the ACA, a non-profit organization, have been connecting kids to great camp experiences. Confidence Building archery, or make a new friend, they are build good about themselves. Camp is full of confi Strong Friendships non-academic environment and where the fo S