353 Rte. 22 East, Green Brook, NJ. We’ll announce our grant giving for 2025 at this joyful event. To learn about joining Impact100 Garden State, write to member@impact100gardenstate.org. INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS CLUB (IFC) Social club for foreign-born women currently residing in the US & American women who have lived internationally. Club fosters cultural understanding, promotes formation of social ties within the international community, and provides a place to share mutual experiences through a variety of interests & activities. Monthly coffee mornings held Sept– June with presenters & a wide variety of activities available including outings (locally & in NYC), book club, food appreciation, weekly hiking, out to lunch, movies & more. More info at ifcnjandny.org or email ifcnjboard@gmail.com. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF SOMERSET, HUNTERDON & WARREN COUNTIES 150-A West High Street, Somerville, NJ For information or to register for programs & events, contact Elise Prezant, JFS at 908-725-7799, or eprezant@JewishFamilySvc.org, Admin@JewishFamilySvc.org, or jewishfamilysvc.org Upcoming Programs: Stand Up for JFS 45th Anniversary Gala: Sun., April 6, 12PM Martinsville, NJ. Join us for an afternoon of laughter celebrating our 45th Anniversary. More info & tickets available at jewishfamilysvc.org/45. Volunteers Needed: Volunteers interested in being matched with families seeking support from a caring home visitor or with seniors who are often isolated, lonely & eager for cognitive stimulation or with frail seniors who need someone to provide grocery shopping or other support; will receive orientation and training. Learn more by calling or emailing admin@JewishFamilySvc.org. Therapists Needed: JFS of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Warren Counties is seeking LSW/LCSW therapists. Hybrid work style & flexible hours based on population served. Welcoming & supportive team environment with group/individual supervision included & ongoing CEU training. JFS operates as a non-profit, social service agency striving to preserve & strengthen the quality of individual & family life for those of all faiths & beliefs in our tri-county community. Visit JewishFamilySvc.org. Café Europa: A social group for Holocaust Survivors. Call or email eprezant@JewishFamilySvc.org. Job Seekers Success Group: A group for active job seekers that focuses on strategies & issues affecting a job search. Free of charge, open to the community. More info-call x108 or email eprezant@JewishFamilySvc.org. Expanding Horizon Programs: Social Learning Group: A 10-week program, meeting on Mondays, focuses on social, relationship & communication skills for neurodivergent teens. Call x107 or email kateg@jewishfamilysvc.org. Social Club for Young Adults with Autism or Developmental Challenges: Group meets weekly, alternating between virtual & in person. Call x107 or email kateg@jewishfamilysvc.org. Sibling Support Group: Peer Support for brothers & sisters of children with special needs. Meet other siblings who have similar experiences in a relaxed at atmosphere. Call for more info or email admin@JewishFamilySvc.org. Parent Support Group: Peer Support for parents with a special needs child. An opportunity to come together with other parents who share similar experiences of parenting. Led by a licensed clinical social worker with experience working with families of special needs children. Group will meet to learn, share & explore the issues most important to participants. Call for more info or email admin@JewishFamilySvc.org. THE CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ART 2020 Burnt Mills Road Bedminster, NJ 07921 For information, gallery hours & to register for classes, contact Cyndi Wish, Executive Director at 908-234-2345, ext.100, info@ccabedminster.org, or visit ccabedminster.org. Current Exhibits: January 24 – March 16, 2025 2025 International Juried Exhibition Juror: Erin Woodbrey April 4 – May 24, 2025 Three solo exhibitions featuring the work of Patti Jordan, Wes Sherman, and Judi Tavill Photo Credit: Benthic Elegies (Human Ecotone 023b) by Patti Jordan FARMSTEAD ARTS CENTER All events take place on the historic Kennedy Martin Stelle Farmstead at 450 King George Road Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. Art and Photography classes are held throughout the year. For more information about upcoming events and classes visit www.farmsteadartscenter.org or email: admin@farmsteadarts.org. Art Exhibitions Jan. 12-Feb. 23: Highlands Art Entr’Exhibit Featuring artworks of Nature in a variety of mediums Potters’ Guild of NJ: Pottery Show & Sale Saturday, May 3 & Sunday, May 4, 11am-5pm. WATCHUNG ARTS CENTER 18 Stirling Rd., Watchung, NJ 07069 908-753-0190 Walk-In Hours: Tues.-Thurs., Sat. 11am-1pm Volunteer/non-profit arts organization. Offers art exhibitions, live music performances, children’s classes in drawing & painting, yoga. For more information, visit WatchungArts.org. FRIENDS OF THE SHELTER A non-profit volunteer organization committed to serving those affected by domestic abuse (24 hr emergency hotline 866-684-1122). Funds are raised to benefit Safe+Sound Somerset, a United Way agency. New members welcome. Friends of the Shelter, PO Box 23, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. For more information please email us at: friendsofthesheltersomerset@gmail.com. THE GARDEN CLUB OF WATCHUNG Meets the 1st Wed. of the month at various locations, 11-1. We would love to have you join us! To see what we do, visit our Facebook page. Our members are from Watchung and nearby communities. All are welcome! For information please call (908)754-5766 or leave your request on our Facebook page. We are 66 and still growing! IMPACT100 GARDEN STATE Founded in 2013, we were inspired by the growing national trend in women’s collective giving. The collective giving model enables us to combine the donations of many women to award meaningful grants to local nonprofits. Members represent a mosaic of backgrounds, occupations, experiences, priorities & interests. Together, we prove that the power of one woman multiplied by many equals an impact that can change lives. Info or to join-contact Celeste at atscc1995@gmail.com. Upcoming events: The Big Reveal Thursday, March 6th, 6-8:30pm. Purposely Eventful, THE ARTS CLUBS & SERVICES JUNIOR WOMEN’S CLUB OF SOMERSET HILLS The JWC of Somerset Hills has almost a century of community service to Bernardsville, Basking Ridge & Warren. We are part of the NJ State Federation of Women’s Clubs which is the largest volunteer women’s service organization in the state. The club enables members to make a difference in the lives of others, one small project at a time. Visit us at njsfwc.org/the-club-pages/somerset-hills/ or for information, contact Tina DelGiorno at clang34@aol.com. MAH JONGG CLUB OF WATCHUNG We have MOVED! After more than 10 years at the Watchung Library, we are now meeting at The Wilson Memorial Church, 7 Valley Rd, Watchung. We play on Mon. & Thurs., 1pm, in the Nursery. Knowledge of the game is mandatory. For more information, contact Melanie Novello at Novello1800@aol.com. MOMS CLUB OF LONG HILL Open to all mothers who live in Long Hill. We meet 3rd Wed. of the month at First Presbyterian Church, Stirling, 10-11am. Very active group with many monthly events. Email: longhillmoms@gmail.com for more info or to join. MURRAY HILL TOASTMASTERS CLUB A community-based organization affiliated with worldwide public speaking & leadership club, Toastmasters International. We provide a supportive & positive environment where members & guests are empowered to develop communication & leadership skills for greater selfconfidence & personal growth. Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tues./month; 6:30-7:30pm Berkeley Heights Public Library 29 Park Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ, 07922 FOR INFO: bit.ly/416AAoN or scan our QR code. NEIGHBORS & NEWCOMERS OF WATCHUNG HILLS Women’s Social Club for those living in Warren, Watchung, Green Brook & surrounding area. Something for everyone: Interest groups such as Book Club, Out & About Adventures, Lunch Out, Walking & Gaming Groups, Stitchery, Movie Nights (days, too) & so much more. Special events include: Wine Tasting, Soup & Chili Night, Spring Socials & Pop Up events abound! Visit us on Meetup (Neighbors & Newcomers Club of Watchung Hills) or contact Kathleen O’Donnell at: kod797@gmail.com for more information. NEWCOMERS AND NEIGHBORS OF SOMERSET HILLS Non-profit, social organization open to residents in Bridgewater, Bedminster, Bernardsville, Basking Ridge & surrounding communities. Women & men, singles & couples are welcome. We invite you to make new friends & participate in a variety of activities including wine tastings, day trips, lunch & dinner dining groups, pickleball, book discussions, crafts, bridge/canasta/mah jongg & much more. Find out more at NNSHClub.org & facebook.com/Newcomers.and.Neighbors.SomersetHillsNJ. More information about our club & activities, please contact Carol at nnshmembership@gmail.com. NOT IN THE FACE KICKBALLLEAGUE Recreational kickball league for women over 40. One day per week, 6-8pm, Martinsville, NJ. For more information email: NITFKickball@gmail.com. RETIRED REGISTERED NURSES GROUP A social & informative monthly meeting of retired Registered Nurses in this area. Meetings are held either the first or second Tuesday of the month at the Somerset County Library, Vogt Drive, Bridgewater from 10:15am-12pm. For more information email karwhit46@gmail.com. “Linked” Online “Linked” Online theconnectionsnj.com Federation of Women’s Clubs which is the largest volunteer wom COMMUNITY CALENDAR February • March 2025 NEED TO PROMOTE AN EVENT OR “LINK” YOUR ENTRY TO YOUR WEBSITE? CALL US AT 908-903-1799