RUTGERS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF SOMERSET COUNTY 310 Milltown Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 908-526-6295 A wide variety of in-person events, classes, & programs for all ages. From virtual youth- based clubs to live cooking classes, our offerings are completely FREE & open to the public. For more information, please visit SOMERSET COUNTY BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP WARREN TOWNSHIP CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Special interest group of the Somerset County Business Partnership. Networking & presentations from experts in various industries. For more info about the Chamber, call 908-218-4300, email, or visit SOMERSET COUNTY SENIOR WELLNESS CENTER Warrenbrook Senior Center 500 Warrenville Road, Warren, NJ 07059 Somerset County-operated senior wellness centers offer a nutritionally-balanced lunch (4 different daily menu choices) for a suggested donation of $2.50 for anyone age 60 & above. Multi-purpose facilities offer a variety of activities, incl. educational programs, health & wellness information, & a stimulating social setting. Come join us Mon.-Fri., 9am-4pm for a variety of academic, health, & wellness opportunities. Programs are FREE for registered members unless indicated otherwise. The Somerset County Office operates county-operated senior wellness centers on Aging and Disability Services, and seniors can reach for help at 1-888-747-1122. SPEECH MEISTERS TOASTMASTERS CLUB Worldwide non-profit organization which helps develop public speaking, presentation & leadership skills. Online meetings are held every Wednesday at noon. Contact Ken Schaefer at 732-356-6148. SUMMIT OLD GUARD A group of ~300 retired men, residing in the area. We have been presenting programs every Tues. since 1930. Presented by experts & representatives in their professions, e.g. doctors & engineers. Held ea. Tues. at the New Providence Presbyterian Church, 10am-11:30am. We also have many interest groups such as chess, math, technical & more. Guests welcome. Remote access via ZOOM. For more info visit For monthly programs & ZOOM access, WAGNER FARM ARBORETUM 197 Mountain Ave., Warren A 501(c)(3) organization consisting of a Community Garden, a Giving Garden that grows, harvests & delivers organic food for food banks & missions, a raised bed Senior Garden & a Children’s Garden with plantings & outdoor musical instruments, a greenhouse for educational purposes & year round growing. Perfect for gardening, bird watching, star gazing or just relaxing & enjoying nature. Annual Brite Nites Halloween event in October, consisting of carved & lighted pumpkins & other themed displays. For more information, visit, email or 908-350-7383. WARREN TOWNSHIP Township Committee meets monthly. Call 908-753-8000 or visit for information and meeting agenda. WARREN TOWNSHIP LION’S CLUB Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month, 7pm, Bruno’s Bistro, 116 Mountain Blvd, Extension. For more information, contact Mark Claxton at or visit WARREN WOMEN IN BUSINESS NETWORKING GROUP Networking group for professional women in industries of all sizes. Looking for a diverse cross-section of fields & experiences. WWB Women in Business Inspirational Leadership Luncheon-meets 3rd Wed. each month. Please email: WATCHUNG HILLS ELKS LODGE #885 1 Elks Trail, Warren The Elks is a benevolent organization dedicated to service in our communities and our Country with more than 1.1 million members and over 2100 lodges nationwide. The Watchung Hills Elks Lodge focuses our help on Veterans and Active Military, Special Children & Youth Groups. Make a difference in your community & become an Elk! Contact or stop by the Lodge. Our Meeting Hall, Outdoor Pavilion & picnic facilities are available for rental-call 908-668-9727. Don’t miss any Lodge 885 events-visit our online calendar! Follow or like us on Facebook and help get the word out! WATCHUNG-WARREN ROTARY CLUB Club meets FIRST & THIRD TUESDAYS of each month, 12 noon, Prezzo’s Restaurant, Warren. For more information contact Bob Aznar, 908-755-8724 or email: WOMAN’S CLUB OF BERKELEY HEIGHTS Member of GFWC & NJSFWC Meetings-Faith Lutheran Church, 524 South St., New Providence Contact Chris at 908-771-5527 for more information. WOMEN WHO WRITE, INC. Regional women writers’ organization & nonprofit corporation with writing groups that meet throughout New Jersey. Its goal is to assist women writers in every phase of the writing process – with critique groups, workshops, & discussions. LONG HILL TOWNSHIP LIBRARY For more information on these clubs & other events or programs, visit Newcomers are always welcome. History Talk: George Washington & NJ - Perfect Together, Sat., Feb. 8, 11am-12pm Financial Literacy for Young Adults: Wed., Feb. 5 at 6:30pm (on Zoom) Financial Literacy for Seniors: Tues., Feb. 11, 12pm Concert: Jay Daniels - What the World Needs Now... Sun., Feb. 16 at 1:30pm National Parks Photography Show w/Chris McCormack, Wed., Feb. 19 at 3:30pm SCLSNJ WARREN / WATCHUNG LIBRARY BRANCHES Warren Branch: 42 Mountain Blvd., Warren, NJ 07059 908-458-8450 Watchung Branch: 12 Stirling Road, Watchung, NJ 07069 908-458-8455 For a complete list of programs &/or to register, visit, and on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. The programs will be hosted virtually & are available to all branches. Most programs request registration. Contact: Somerset County Library System of New Jersey (SCLSNJ) (908) 458-8400; In person Signature Events: These programs are hosted in person. Registration is requested. Explore more programs at Bessie Coleman: Fly! Bessie, Fly! Portrayed by Daisy Century from American Historical Theater-Learn more about Bessie Coleman, the first African American woman to become a licensed airplane pilot and the first American to hold an international pilot license. February 1, 2-3 p.m., at the Warren Township branch February 27, 6-7 p.m., at the Montgomery branch Songs of Liberation and Love Performed by Rhonda Denét Music: February 13, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., at the Hillsborough branch. Celebrate the African American experience with Songs of Liberation and Love, from the 1930s through the 1970s. Virtual Programs: These programs are hosted virtually. Most programs require registration. Visit To join a virtual program by phone, dial (646) 876-9923. After dialing, you will be prompted to enter a meeting ID, which is unique for every event. The meeting ID is the series of numbers at the end of the Zoom link posted for each event. Seneca Village Presented by Sylvia Laudien-Meo: February 3, 7-8pm. Explore thousands of artifacts that offer valuable clues to better understand this extraordinary community that existed in the early 19th century in New York City. Yosemite and Grand Canyon National Parks Presented by Chris McCormack: February 5, 7-8pm. Discover stunning landscapes and must-see spots. Learn practical tips on avoiding crowds, finding the best trails, and making the most of a visit to these iconic destinations. Unsung Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement Presented by Dr. Bill Thierfelder: February 10, 7-8:30pm. Celebrate Black History Month and the unsung heroes in the fight for equality who helped reshape the American scene. Madam C. J. Walker - The First Black Female Millionaire Presented by Rick Feingold: February 12, 7-8pm. Explore the life of this American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and political and social activist during Black History Month. A Night at the Oscars - Best Picture Spotlight Presented by Dr. Annette Bochenek: February 25, 7-8pm. Get red carpet-ready and delve into the history of the best picture category with a multimedia presentation consisting of photos, video clips, and captivating stories. For additional assistance, call (908) 845-8400. To discover all SCLSNJ has to offer, visit or connect with SCLSNJ on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), or YouTube. LONG HILL TOWNSHIP RECREATION 915 Valley Road, Gillette, NJ 07933 908.647.8000 WARREN TOWNSHIP RECREATION (908)753-8000 Warren Township offers many different programs & events for residents throughout the year. Residents can sign up & pay for various programs including tennis lessons & summer camp through Community Pass. Events are free to the public. To stay up to date on all programs & events, please visit or on Facebook at WarrenNJRec or Instagram at warrentownshiprecreationnj. For more information on events & programs please go to RECREATION LIBRARIES NEED TO PROMOTE AN EVENT OR “LINK” YOUR ENTRY TO YOUR WEBSITE? CALL US AT 908-903-1799 Make a difference in your community & become an Elk! Con COMMUNITY CALENDAR February • March 2025