The Connections Warren Watchung Edition June July August 2021 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 28 The older I get the more I question. I question because I’m curious. I question because I want an- swers. I question because I want to know myself. I question because I want to be free. Self-re ective questions get you out of “auto pilot”. They get you out of the prison of your own mind: the one that holds you back. They prompt you to think about what you actually want. You can only make it happen when you are consciously aware of what that is. This is why I love my journal practice. It gives me the constant opportunity to dig in deep within myself. Last week in my weekly Journal Club, the journal prompt was, “What does freedom mean to you”? That’s a huge question. We already know that our freedom is insured to us in our founding documents. You might not re- member how very clear they were about it. We have inalienable rights, that are ours no mat- ter what, that are given to us by God. “An inalienable right is a right which God gave to you and which no inferior power has a right to take away.” - John Dickinson, signer of the Constitution “The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty re- cords. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the Hand of Di- vinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.”- Alexander Hamilton, signer of the Constitution “Inalienable rights are imprinted by the nger of God on the heart of man...They’re part of our nature, part of the way God made us...Inalienable rights are antecedent to all earthly governments, rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by hu- man laws, rights derived from the great Legislator of the universe” - Samuel Adams, signer of the Decla- ration of Independence But taking this further, the question remains within us, what freedom do YOU allow yourself? We limit our own freedom and lock ourselves up in the limitations we pose on ourselves. If you’ve ever said: “I have to keep this job even though I hate it;” Or “I don’t have the time to take that painting class I’ve been dreaming of;” Or “I don’t have the money to take that trip;” Or “I’m too old to start my new idea.” You’ve set up limitations for yourself and you are not free! Just like our Founders told us, your freedom is God-given. Everything you need and want is avail- able to you. Until you are consciously aware of what that is though, you won’t be able to get to it. We block our desires from coming forth because we place limita- tions on why we can’t have them. Then we believe those thoughts, stopping ourselves from having these dreams and allowing them to blossom. We stay stuck in the prison of our minds. Once you know this, you can do something about it. Several years ago, I was sitting in a “personal growth” course and we were working on a question, “if you could be doing anything, what would it be?” When it was my turn to share, I stood up and said “I want to work in fashion and draw gorgeous dresses…” Hmm! After I announced this, that voice in my head shut it right down, “are you nuts, no one is hiring you at 52 years old with no formal fashion ed- ucation, and you don’t know how to draw dresses?” But since the feeling had popped up, it wouldn’t go back down. So I let the desire stay put. One week after my self-discovery and crazy an- nouncement, I was at a local bridal fashion show in Berkeley Heights, helping a friend at a vendor table. Lo and behold, as the fashion show was going on and everyone was xated on the show, I found my- self and a very interesting man standing by a rack of clothing next to my table. I asked him “Are you a designer?” and he re- sponded “yes.” Then I asked “Do you need help?” and he said “Actually I do.” Bam! One month later I was working part-time in NYC for this couturier, sketching the designs for his clients, helping select fabrics and standing around (and even wearing) his gorgeous dresses! It’s magic like that. Once you allow yourself to become aware of what you want, and once you let go of those thoughts that say you can’t have it, the universe works to bring it to you. That is freedom: understanding that the only thing that stops you is the limiting beliefs in your mind! I could have listened to my limiting beliefs about my age and education and never posed the ques- tion to that man, and never allowed myself that wonderful 4 year adventure and experience. When you are willing to question and follow your answers without judgment, that is pure free- dom and is available to every one of us, all the time. What does freedom mean to you? Last week, my response was having my laptop lifestyle business with the mobility to play with my new grandbaby dolls whenever I want. That’s exact- ly how my life looks now. I invite to you sit and watch the magic happen as you answer this question for yourself. To (y)our glorious freedom in every way! _______________________________________ Rosie Battista is a Creativity Coach, helping you create you want. Join her SHE JOURNALS CLUB and get to know what you want for your life. Contact for details. Until you are consciously aware of what that is though, you won’t be able to get to it. We block our desires from coming forth because we place limitations about why we can’t have it. Then we believe those thoughts, stopping ourselves from having these dreams and allowing them to blossom. We stay stuck in the prison of our mind. Once you allow yourself to become aware of what you want, and once you let go of those thoughts that say you can’t have it, the universe works to bring it to you CONTEMPLATING FREEDOM by Rosie Battista The Sleeping Naked After 40 Lifestyle SUMMER SPECIAL Implant Crown & Abutment $2000 (per tooth) Benefits of Journaling: feel more relaxed, get clarity on situations and circumstances, lower your stress, improve sleep quality, increase your self love, feel generally happier, connect with a community of likeminded ladies. Join/Details Questions