The Connections Warren Watchung Edition Nov 2021 - Jan 2022 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 57 There’s a reason why Botox® is so popular. It can be used in all sorts of dif- ferent places and to address various con- cerns, from lifting your brow to reducing tooth-grinding pain! What is Botox ® ? Botox ® is derived from a naturally oc- curring toxin that works by paralyzing the muscles. This is achieved through inhib- iting a nerve signaling molecule called acetylcholine, which tells your body to get rid of unwanted tension in certain areas and makes it easier for you to avoid wrin- kle-causing motions like frowning or lifting your brow. Where should you use Botox ® ? We traditionally think of Botox® as the most common treatment for forehead wrinkles and frown lines, but it has a cou- ple of unexpected uses to go along with the classics. Use Botox ® To Control Sweaty Un- der-Arms If you are dealing with excessive sweat- ing, it can be embarrassing and frustrat- ing. There may not always seem to be an answer for why we sweat so much - some people inherit their genes and have no control over the amount they sweat, while others experience stress or exercise as triggers that cause them to go into heat mode even when they’re doing nothing exciting. For people with this embarrassing problem, Botox ® has been a lifesaver. A few simple injections cause the muscles responsible for sweating to contract, and you’ll be able to enjoy warm weather wor- ry-free. Roll Back The Years On Your Neck Injecting Botox® into your neck muscles can give you an almost immediate return on investment. Known as the “Nefertiti Neck Lift” this medical procedure tightens and tones up skin by paralyzing the mus- cles which causes the horizontal bands that become more prominent with age. Not only will this give your neck a younger, smoother look, but you’ll find that treating the neck muscles will also help relax your jaw line as well. Minimize and Erase Forehead Lines You can’t beat the classics! Botox® in- jections are a popular treatment for those suffering from deep wrinkles on their fore- heads. The injection will relax these mus- cles and make it easier to smile without looking puzzled or angry. Are you thinking about Botox® treat- ment? Get in contact for a consultation today, and find out whether or not it’s right for you! About the Author – Tamar Mermelstein, RPA-C is a licensed and certified Physician Assistant and is a member of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, the American Acad- emy of Dermatology, and the Society of Dermatology Physician Assistants. She has been with Advanced Dermatology, PC for over 3 years and she performs a variety of cosmetic procedures including but not limited to Botox and dermal fillers. OUR 3 FAVORITE USES FOR BOTOX By Tamar Mermelstein, RPA-C Use Botox ® To Control Sweaty Under-Arms Roll Back The Years On Your Neck Minimize and Erase Forehead Lines What is Botox ® ? Botox ® is derived from a naturally occurring toxin that works by paralyzing the muscles. This is achieved through inhibiting a nerve signaling molecule called acetylcholine, which tells your body to get rid of unwanted tension in certain areas and makes it easier for you to avoid wrinkle-causing motions like frowning or lifting your brow. ACNE SCARS SUN DAMAGE Make your appointment with Tamar Mermelstein, RPA-C 1125 S int G o ges Avenue ahway 732-499-0440 Address the visible signs of aging on the face, eyes, and body by boosting your skins natural collagen production. TREAT YOURSELF. FINE LINES WRINKLES ACNE SCARS SUN DAMAGE Make your appointment with Tamar Mermelstein, RPA-C 1125 Saint Georges Avenue, Rahway 732-499-0440