The Connections Warren Watchung Edition Sept/Oct/Nov 2022 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 44 Benefits of Journaling: feel more relaxed, get clarity on situations and circumstances, lower your stress, improve sleep quality, increase your self love, feel generally happier, connect with a community of likeminded ladies. Join/Details : Questions : If you haven’t noticed, we are in extraordinary times. That calls for more attention to bring self- love in your own direction. Self- love is a game changer, not only for you but for anyone you come in contact with. If you want to make the world better, start with yourself. Here are seven simple tasks you can easily implement into your life. There will be a transformation of your physical and mental state. As you read these 7 steps, you may think they sound super simple. You might even think they are too simple to make a difference. I can assure you that they are both powerful and impactful. When done consistently you’ll be vibrating at a whole new level and feeling amazingly wonderful - no matter what’s going on around you. 1) Shower yourself with gratitude. Make a daily list as soon as you wake up in the morning and continue to stack it onto your list throughout the day - switching your mind to thankfulness leaves little room for complaining. 2) Dress your best. Even though it may feel comfortable to throw on comfy sweats, think about how your energy level will improve when you adorn yourself with bright colors. Add a nice shirt, your favorite necklace or a cashmere scarf to uplift your outfit and your outlook. 3) Hydrate well. Set out a gallon of water on your kitchen counter. Add frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, cut-up cucumbers, or sliced lemons. Keep sipping on it all day long and refilling your glass throughout the day. 4) Turn on the music. In the middle of the day, stop where you are, turn on your favorite tune and dance. This will amp up your vibration and elevate your energy level. 5) Close the kitchen. You’ll sleep much better without a full stomach. Stop eating a few hours before you close your eyes for your sweet dreams. 6) Turn off the TV and turn on your brain with a selected body of knowledge that you’re excited to learn about. If you dedicate at least one hour a day to this, you’ll become an expert in just a few short weeks. What have you always wanted to learn? Now is the opportunity. 7) Approach everything with a loving heart. That means tapping into your heart center. Put your hand on your heart and ask, what is the most loving thing I can do right now? Listen for the answer and allow love to lead you to it. For the complete self-love checklist, come grab your free “Extraordinary Self Love in Extraordinary Times” Checklist at Extreme Self-Love in Extraordinary Times By Rosie Battista ROSIE BATTISTA