The Connections Warren-Watchung Edition Sep-Nov. 2024

THE WARREN-WATCHUNG CONNECTION PAGE 12 SEPT/OCT/NOV 2024 × 7D[ %RPE (VWDWH 7D[ ([HPSWLRQ ZLOO FKDQJH XQGHU WKH 6XQVHW 3URYLVLRQV $UH <RX 3URWHFWHG IRU WKHVH 7D[ /DZ FKDQJHV LQ " × /HDUQ KRZ WR FRUUHFWO\ GHVLJQDWH EHQHILFLDULHV LQ D :LOO 7UXVW RU &XVWRGLDQ GRFXPHQW × /HDUQ /HJDO 6WUDWHJLHV KRZ WR PLQLPL]H WD[HV RQ 5HWLUHPHQW $FFRXQWV ZLWK WKH \HDU UXOH XQGHU WKH 6HFXUHG $FW × $UH <RX 3UHSDUHG IRU WKH 8QWKLQNDEOH" × ,V <RXU (VWDWH 3ODQ &RPSOHWH" × 'R <RX +DYH DQ (VWDWH 3ODQ" × 'R \RX KDYH 0LQRU &KLOGUHQ" :KR ZLOO WDNH FDUH RI WKHP LI \RX JHW 6LFN RU 3DVV $ZD\ 8QH[SHFWHGO\ × 'R \RX +DYH 3HWV" ,I VR FRQVLGHU D 3HW 3URYLVLRQ LQ \RXU 7UXVW RU :LOO × :KR FDQ /HJDOO\ 0DNH \RXU +HDOWKFDUH DQG )LQDQFLDO 'HFLVLRQV VKRXOG \RX EHFRPH ,QFDSDFLWDWHG" :LWK RYHU \HDUV LQ WKH EXVLQHVV , NQRZ ZKDW PDWWHUV :H ZLOO FXVWRP GUDIW \RXU SODQV WR ILW \RXU SHUVRQDO QHHGV × /DVW :LOO 7HVWDPHQWV × 5HYRFDEOH /LYLQJ 7UXVWV /LYLQJ :LOOV × 3RZHUV RI $WWRUQH\ IRU $VVHWV +HDOWKFDUH Is Your Estate Plan Updated for 2024? &XVWRP 'UDIWHG (VWDWH 3ODQV 7R )LW <RXU ,QGLYLGXDO 1HHGV Gail L. Abrams $WWRUQH\ DW /DZ 908-753-4155 -RKQVWRQ 'ULYH :DWFKXQJ 1- The Estate Tax Act of 2026 looms large on the horizon, promising sweeping changes to estate taxation in the United States. Enacted as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2017, this legislation substantially raised estate tax exemption levels. For affluent families, this meant a welcome relief from federal estate taxes. However, the current estate tax regime is slated to significantly shift come January 1, 2026, when the TCJA’s provisions are set to sunset. Unless Congress intervenes, exemption levels will revert to 2017 rates indexed for inflation. The Sunset provision on the Estate (Death) Tax will considerably broaden the pool of estates subject to federal taxation. This impending change underscores the critical need for proactive estate planning among affected families. The implications are profound. Families with estates currently hovering around the current exemption thresholds face potential tax liabilities they had previously avoided. Effective planning is essential to mitigate these impacts. Strategies such as strategic asset gifting, establishment of trusts, and other tools can be implemented to minimize taxable estate values. The estate tax sunset is not the only impending change. Concurrently, income tax cuts introduced by the TCJA are also scheduled to expire, reverting tax brackets to pre-2017 levels. This shift could translate into higher tax rates for many Americans, particularly those in higher income brackets. Amidst these impending changes, Estate Attorneys and Financial Advisors play a crucial role in guiding clients through the complexities of tax planning. Proactively managing these transitions can optimize financial outcomes, whether through leveraging current lower tax brackets, accelerating income, or strategically planning charitable donations to maximize deductions before deduction limits revert in 2026. The evolving tax landscape demands foresight and strategic planning. As the estate tax exemption shrinks and income tax rates potentially rise, families and individuals are advised to consult with experienced Estate Planning Attorneys and Financial Advisors to navigate these changes effectively. Informed decision-making today can secure financial stability and peace of mind for the future. For those navigating these challenges, the expertise of a seasoned Estate Attorney and Financial Advisor can make all the difference. Prepare for tomorrow, today. At the law firm of Gail L. Abrams Gail L. Abrams in Watchung, NJ we offer solutions for preserving your assets for you and your family including comprehensive Estate Planning, Investment Management, securing your Retirement Planning, and much more. We take the time to ensure you are comfortable and understand your estate planning choices. KISS: Keep it Simple and Secure! Do not wait until something happens in an instant. Make informed decisions regarding your Estate Planning and financial affairs. Contact the law firm of Gail L. Abrams Gail L. Abrams for a consultation today at (908) 753-4155 or email us at LAWYER’SVIEW Sunset of the Estate Tax: What You Need to Know!! By Gail Abrams, Attorney at Law Unless Congress intervenes, exemption levels will revert to 2017 rates indexed for inflation...This impending change underscores the critical need for proactive estate planning among affected families.