The Connection Bernards-Ridge Edition January February 2015

PAGE 10 THE BERNARDS-RIDGE CONNECTION FEB/MARCH 2015 15 % OFF * Open Mon-Fri 9:30-5:30 Saturday 10-5 ) $ # & ! % ! ! " ) ! $ ! *" # ) $# $ # " ) # !# # " % ) ! # ! " # # !( ) ! ! ( ! '# ( % !( 15 % OFF * 15 % OFF * Easy Parking FREE Giftwrapping UPS Mailing !! ! !! website: email: Your Local Bookstore... Where Book Lovers Shop! NEW OPTIONS FOR CHRONIC BACK PAIN RELIEF Submitted By: The Peak Medical Team If you are experiencing lower back pain, you are not alone. Back pain is the leading cause of disability in Americans under 45 years old. It is also considered the “most com- mon” type of pain, according to the National Institute of Health Statis- tics. It is estimated that 75 to 85 percent of all Americans will experi- ence a form of lower back pain dur- ing their lifetime. The good news though is that in 90% of all cases, pain can improve without surgery, according to the American Associa- tion of Neurological Surgeons. Some of the major causes of lower back pain are herniated discs, osteoarthritis, sciatica, bulging discs and injuries obtained from car acci- dents or during exercise. The lum- bar spine, which consists of five ver- tebrae in the lower portion of your spine, contains discs that act like shock absorbers for the spinal bones. These discs allow you to turn and bend and they help with nerve placement. If the disc bulges or becomes degenerated, it can put pressure on the nerves, causing severe pain in the lumbar spine and in the lower extremities. Sometimes damaging a nerve in your lumber spine can cause pain all the way down to your toes. People with lower back pain often try to deal with their pain by taking medication or limiting their activity levels. However, at some point the pain gets to the point where they need to do something different. Many patients are unaware that there are options that can provide relief from the pain that doesn’t involve surgery or a lifetime of pain medications. Often they have been told that surgery is their only option to find relief. We are here to tell you that there is a non-surgical solution that has helped thousands avoid surgery and regain their freedom. Our unique combination of treat- ments has been successful for many residents of Union and Somerset County. Peak Medical provides patients with an Integrative Treatment Protocol that goes beyond physical therapy or chiropractic care alone. Pain- relieving modalities such as Spinal Decompression, Laser Therapy, Neu- rolumen, Acupuncture and Applied Kinesiology set Peak Medical apart from other facilities. Each patient is evaluated by a team of physicians on his or her initial visit. A cus- tomized treatment plan is then developed specific to each individ- ual patient. We feel that by having the eyes and ears of several differ- ent specialists, our patients receive better results. We continually invest in the latest technology and treat- ments, to ensure that our patients are receiving the best care possible. Peak Medical enlists a multidiscipli- nary approach to dealing with pain. On staff, we have medical doctors, doctors of physical therapy, chiro- practic physicians, acupuncturists and registered nurses. All of whom are trained in treating pain non-sur- gically. This experience combined with the latest FDA cleared technol- ogy provides amazing results for our patients. Plus, with the personal attention that we give each individ- ual, it is not uncommon for patients to feel as though they are part of our family. We feel the same way, and are anxious to help people find viable solutions to their pain. If you would like to know more about our options for relieving pain and our non-surgical solutions for lower back pain, please contact our office. To find out more about our services and expertise, please visit us at or call 908-897-0474. Peak Medical is conveniently located at 492 Spring- field Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ, 07922