The Connection Warren-Watchung Edition April/May 2018

APRIL/MAY 2018 THE WARREN-WATCHUNG CONNECTION PAGE 9 We have a new location but the same robust team of professionals. The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, whichwas passed late last year, has never beenmore important. Deemed as the most sweeping tax reform in decades, the legislation changes income tax brackets, deductions, estate planning and the taxation of businesses. <RXU ¿QDQFLDO IXWXUH LV LPSRUWDQW :LWK)RUWXQH:HDOWK)LQDQFLDO *URXS¶V EURDGSURGXFW line and immense knowledge, we have the tools to help you reach your long term goals. Visit our new location and learn how we can help you protect what matters most. 152 Liberty Corner Road, Suite 1 Warren, NJ 07059 Phone: (908) 604-1100 6HFXULWLHV LQYHVWPHQW DGYLVRU\ DQG ¿QDQFLDO SODQQLQJ VHUYLFHV RIIHUHG WKURXJK 00/ ,QYHVWRUV 6HUYLFHV //& 0HPEHU 6,3& )RUWXQH :HDOWK )LQDQFLDO *URXS //& LV QRW D VXEVLGLDU\ RU DI¿OLDWH RI 00/ ,QYHVWRUV 6HUYLFHV //& RU DQ\ RI LWV DI¿OLDWHG FRPSDQLHV 26- :RRG $YHQXH 6RXWK 6XLWH ,VHOLQ 1- 5HJLVWHUHG UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV DUH QRW DXWKRUL]HG WR JLYH WD[ RU OHJDO DGYLFH ,QGLYLGXDOV DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR VHHN DGYLFH IURP WKHLU RZQ WD[ RU OHJDO FRXQVHO ,QGLYLGXDOV LQYROYHG LQ WKH HVWDWH SODQQLQJ SURFHVV VKRXOG ZRUN ZLWK DQ HVWDWH SODQQLQJ WHDP LQFOXGLQJ WKHLU RZQ SHUVRQDO OHJDO RU WD[ FRXQVHO &51