Optimizing immune function is not solely about taking a vitamin. A strong, resilient immune system is largely predicated on consistent lifestyle-based habits that support and maintain strong immune defenses all year long. Please understand that this doesn’t happen overnight, and that acquiring and maintaining these lifestyle-based habits day after day is what prepares an immune system for battle.
Step 1 – Reduce the effects of stress on your body and mind with daily action steps that effectively temper the negative effects of stress. Be aware of the worry, anger and catastrophizing that we are guilty of all too much. These things have absolutely been shown to weaken immune function.
Step 2 – Sleep 7-9 hours. This is possibly the most critical of the lifestyle habits to improve on for the sake of our immune health. Preferably, have a sleep schedule at optimal times in synchronization with night/day rhythms.
Step 3 – Workout every day. Super immune booster. Once in good shape, be rigorous! Just don’t overdo it as that can weaken your immune system over time.
Step 4 – Spinal Manipulations: Research has shown optimizing movement of the spine enhances overall immune function. Spinal column movement is essential for circulation of blood and CSF in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).
Step 5 – Keep all toxins out of your life as best possible. This includes all junk that we eat and drink. Know that ‘junk food’ is a misnomer. There is food and there is junk. Feed your body food! Also, be careful of cosmetics, cleaning products, etc. In an attempt to look good and be clean, we may be toxifying our bodies and brains. Know the effects of what you put into AND onto your body.
Step 6 – Healthy real food diet. A lot and diverse amounts of fibrous vegetables and fruit. These foods are critical for a healthy microbiome (good gut bacteria). A healthy and strong microbiome is critical to a strong immune system. They are also rich in natural anti-oxidants. Limit high sugar fruits like bananas, mango, grapes and pineapple.
- Good quality protein at each main meal.
- Snack on wholesome unprocessed nuts, seeds and berries.
- Limit grains and dairy.
- Do not skip meals. Throwing off your blood sugar is bad for the immune system.
- Drink plenty of pure clean water. Hydrate and detoxify every day.
Step 7 – Vitamins: Supplementation is a healthy option, but only to compliment a healthy and immune boosting lifestyle. Here are some key supplements known to support immune function:
High quality multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement
- Vitamin C 2000 mg/day
- Vitamin A 10,000 iu/day
- Vitamin D 2000-4000 iu/day
- NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) 2000 mg/day
- Zinc glycinate 20-40 mg/day
- There are some herbs that are great too.
Schedule an appointment to learn more about immune function and the steps you can take to fully strengthen yours.