Having the perfect body (for you) starts with your head. It starts with the thoughts you think. It starts with the thoughts you choose to believe about yourself and your body. And it starts with the choices you make based on what you believe about yourself.
Are you happy with your current body? Do you wish it was different? Are you ready to give up because nothing you try ever works for you?
It took me until my 50th birthday to begin to appreciate my beautiful healthy body and to begin to make the changes in my thinking that would change the way I treated myself. In the past, I always wanted my body to be different. No matter how I looked or how little I weighed, I wasn’t satisfied. I spent years with this struggle until I understood that it was all in my head.
No matter where you are now, you can make changes that will improve your health and life and create the body that you are happy with.
Let’s agree to the simple premise that your body is the place that you reside in and to enjoy this life, you have to be in a body. And no!! You don’t have to go on a restrictive diet and deprive yourself. You simply have to become aware of what you are eating, when you are
eating and why you are eating. In order to move past these old patterns of behavior, they need to be replaced with an alternative behavior. I
guarantee by giving these new ideas a try, you will begin to think and feel better about the body you have now. As you begin to feel better now, your body will begin to respond and physical changes will follow.
Here are 7 habitual behaviors that you may be doing that can sabotage any efforts you make towards creating a healthy body.
1. Old Behavior: Picking on food while cooking and throughout the day.
New Behavior: Only eat when sitting down.
2. Old Behavior: Standing while eating.
New Behavior: Set the table, light a candle for every meal and sit down like a lady.
3. Old Behavior: Eating too fast, and rushing thru your meal.
New Behavior: Chew each bite 10x before taking the next bite.
4. Old Behavior: Not knowing how much you are really eating.
New Behavior: Keep a food journal so you can actually see what you are doing.
5. Old Behavior: Not recognizing how lucky you are to have food available to you.
New Behavior: Say grace and offer thanks before each meal.
6. Old Behavior: Having thoughts about why you can’t eat healthier and creating a story about how difficult it is because you are too busy.
New Behavior: Keep it simple and choose lean protein, lots of greens, fruit, good fats – most of the time – Say no to white flour, white sugar
and dairy.
7. Old Behavior: Using your current weight as an excuse to play it small and hide.
New Behavior: Accept yourself as perfect for right now as you take action steps to improve. Get up, get dressed and get gorgeous right now.
These small changes will make a huge difference not only in how your body looks but mostly in how you feel… because only you have the power to treat yourself well and you and your body deserve that. Taking good care of yourself allows you to give your best to the world.
Check out some my healthy sweet treats that use no white sugar and no flour at www.rosiebattista.com/recipes.
Rosie Battista is a spiritual life coach focusing on changes from the inside out to help you live your best life. Personal coaching and women’s groups available. 908-872-8613.