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3322 US Highway 22 West • Branchburg Commons Building 1 • Branchburg, NJ 08876
By: Dr. Vincent Sferra
Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation
Pain! No one likes to be in pain, or see
someone suffering from pain, but pain is
your body’s way of letting you know that
something is wrong. The purpose of pain
is primarily protective and to serve as a
warning that tissues are being damaged
and causes the sufferer to remove or
withdraw from the source. Pain can sig-
nificantly interfere with a person’s quality
of life and general functioning.
Pain motivates a person to protect the
damaged body part while it heals. There
are many options for dealing with pain -
masking it, managing it or preventing it.
Seeking medical advice to act upon your
pain correctly is critical. Alleviating pain
with medication is a short term fix and
may be appropriate, particularly in the
early going. It can reduce inflammation
and swelling in order to help you move
past the pain and start your rehabilita-
tion. However, if taking pain medication
is the only thing you are doing, you may
not be dealing with an underlying cause
of pain, most probably leading to greater
problems and possibly to long term side
effects if, in particular, they are used for
extended periods of time without med-
ical supervision.
Our goal of pain management at NMR is
to identify the mechanical and functional
cause of your pain, not only symptom
relief. Treatment plans are designed to
decrease pain, accelerate healing,
improve mobility, strength and function,
and teach skills needed to prevent prob-
lems in the future.
NMR utilizes time tested medical and
alternative modalities to treat acute and
chronic pain. Chiropractic and Physical
Therapy are natural ways to help your
body recover from pain, not only to feel
better, but to actually be better and
stronger. Joint, muscle and spinal prob-
lems demand stability, motion, strength
and conditioning if one is to restore func-
tion and prevent similar or worse prob-
lems in the future. In addition, acupunc-
ture, offered at NMR, can provide drug
free pain relief. The needling of acupunc-
ture points stimulates the nervous system
to release pain-relieving chemicals and
hormones in the muscles, spinal cord and
brain. These chemicals are the body’s
natural painkillers.
At NMR we realize that for some
patients, the therapeutic approaches to
pain management mentioned above may
not be enough, resulting in a very limited
ability to rehabilitate a person to full
movement, strength and function, which
are the ultimate goals. In these instances
we are pleased to have Dr. Arun Kandra,
MD, our Pain Management consultant at
Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation. Dr.
Kandra is double board certified in Anes-
thesiology and Pain Management and is
dedicated to the treatment of chronic
pain symptoms for patients. He is trained
at Vanderbilt University Medical center,
one of the country`s top Pain Manage-
ment training programs. He is available
on site for consultation, examination and
to begin the management of your pain.
With this addition, we are able provide a
one stop solution for patient`s by bring-
ing the combination of medical and non-
pharmacological approaches under one
facility - with doctors who work together
and communicate more efficiently, which
would translate into better patient care.
Ideally we would like to prevent pain
from ever happening to us. Unfortunate-
ly there is no guarantee on what life has
in store for us. There are a multitude of
reasons why some people suffer from
arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis or
cancer. But with NMR’s ‘whole view’ per-
spective of the patient (managing
weight, eating healthy, tempering stress
and exercising), you will best be able to
manage your pain, optimize function,
get strong again and age healthfully.
Call 908-252-0242 for a free new
patient consultation or for more
information visit NM
Dr. Sferra
is the founder and Clinic Director of
Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation. He is Board
Certified in Chiropractic Medicine and Chiro-
practic Neurology, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist
and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning
Specialist certified by the National Strength &
Conditioning Association. Dr. Sferra is the recipi-
ent of the “2005 Spirit of Somerset” award for
his outstanding contribution to Health and Well-
ness in the community.
For more information visit
or call 908-252-0242
Dr. Arun Kandra, MD &
Dr. Vincent Sferra, DC, DIBCN
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Bernardsville, NJ 07924
Health and Wellness