68 North Bridge Street, Somerville, NJ 08876
Do not give your past
the power to define your future.
“I am not what happened to me, I am
what I choose to become.” – Carl Jung
Over ten years experience working with
individuals, families and couples.
I offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each
of my clients’ individual needs to help attain the
personal growth they’re striving for.
Individual Therapy
Grief Counseling
Couples Therapy
Marital Therapy
Family Therapy
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By: Dr. Vince Sferra &
Dr. Claudia Tamas
Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation
Running, as part of your exercise rou-
tine, can provide many health benefits!
It decreases the risk of cardiovascular
disease/death by 65% at any age,
improves joint health, improves body
composition and has positive effects
on stress management and anxiety.
Running is an easy exercise as it does
not require specific equipment or
being in a specific place, therefore it
works with a busy schedule. Starting a
running program can be done at any
age but is best done under the guid-
ance of a healthcare professional that
specializes in running. Dr. Clauda
Tamas, DPT is a Certified Running
Injuries Specialist and can help you get
started on a running program or help
an experienced runner recover and/or
prevent injuries from occurring.
In experienced runners, most injuries
are due to training errors, others are
due to lack of muscular strength or
endurance as it specifically relates to
running. Experienced runners that are
looking to improve performance or
rehabilitate an injury as well as novice
runners who want to enjoy the bene-
fits of starting a running program
while avoiding injuries can benefit
from Dr. Claudia’s expertise.
Do you want to start a running pro-
gram but have been told that running
was detrimental for your arthritic
joints? Recent studies are showing us
the opposite. With appropriate mechan-
ical loading, the stress at the articular
surfaces can improve joint health if
correctly modulated. Dr. Claudia can
explain to you how this is achieved and
guide you through this process in our
office. Those planning to return to run-
ning after a back or lower extremity
injury can also benefit from the guid-
ance of a healthcare professional spe-
cialized in running in order to avoid
further injury or re-injury.
Running is an easy exercise for children
to enjoy. As our young population
spends more and more time with
sedentary activities, starting a running
program can be an easy way to pro-
mote healthy habits at an early age.
Our running programs for children are
fun and motivating!
Our services for runners include a
detailed general musculoskeletal
examination, running analysis, running
shoe analysis and recommendations,
treatment and rehabilitation of injuries
or other musculoskeletal injuries. Run-
ning protocols are designed and based
on the individual examination. While
under our supervision the runners will
be periodically reassessed and changes
will be made if necessary.
Some of the most common running
injuries involve the foot, knee and
lower back/pelvis. The cause of injury
can be identified in our office through
a detailed evaluation and treated with
specific interventions that target the
structures involved. A return to run-
ning program is then designed. The
program will be individually tailored to
progressively load and stimulate the
muscles and joints in a healthy way to
produce adaptation.
All runners (experienced and begin-
ners) or non-runners who are thinking
of starting a running program can ben-
efit from our services. Call for a
new patient consultation.
Branchburg Office: 908-252-0242
Somerset Office: 732-993-6050
Dr. Sferra,
Founder and Clinic Director, is board
certified in Chiropractic Medicine and Chiroprac-
tic Neurology, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and
is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Special-
ist certified by the National Strength & Condi-
tioning Association.
Dr. Claudia Tamas,
DPT has clinical training
including pediatric rehabilitation, neurological
rehabilitation for conditions such as acute and
chronic stroke, vestibular conditions, spinal cord
injury and orthopedic rehabilitation. Claudia is a
Strength and Conditioning Specialist certified by
The National Strength and Conditioning Associ-
ation and a Certified Running Injuries Specialist
certified by The Running Clinic.