Health and Wellness
78 East Main Street,Somerville www.drcharmoydmd.com 908-722-9266 Member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea? Can’t wear a CPAP? Do You Snore? Services Now Covered By Medicare There is an alternative treatment with an oral appliance! Dr. Charmoy is experienced in the right appliance for you AP-5000609538 East Main Str et, Somerville www.somervilledentalsleepmedicine.com 908-722-9266 R ICHARD P. C HARMOY , D.M.D., LLC ORBERA ™ Intragastric Balloon is a New Treatment in Battle Against Obesity Start Your ORBERA ™ Journey Right Here, Right Now Simple Design Portion Control 3x the Weight Loss of Diet & Exercise Alone We specialize in Gastroenterology, which is the treatment of diseases and disorders of the digestive system or gastrointestinal (GI) tract. %$&% (& ( &" + ( & %+$ $(& & "##' %&%) ! )"( "' ( + , SOMERVILLE DENTAL SLEEP MEDICINE 78 E. Main Street Somerville, NJ 908-722-9266 www.somervilledentalsleepmedicine.com By: Richard P. Charmoy, MD Dr. Charmoy At Somerville Dental Sleep Medicine, we are dedicated to treatment of your snoring and sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which a patient’s air- ways are almost completely blocked and his or her breathing stops, causing the body to repeat- edly wake them up to gasp for air. Our office offers some of the most convenient and effective treat- ment options available today, specifically for patients who are non-CPAP compliant or who have had trouble adjusting to the CPAP machine. Our goal is to treat the sleep apnea epidemic. The most common treatment prescribed for patients with obstructive sleep apnea is the use of a CPAP mask and machine, to be worn nightly. Through the use of smart cards or web-based meth- ods, researchers can determine how often patients are actually using their CPAP machines. When patients use the CPAP machine nightly during the first week, usu- ally they will continue to use the machine long term. People who do not wear the machine each night or use it for shorter amounts of time are often the people who will cease to use the machine. Oral appliance therapy is a more comfortable and easier way for non-CPAP compliant patients to get the relief they deserve from Sleep Apnea. Oral appliances hold the lower jaw forward while the patient sleeps, opening up the air- ways that would normally be blocked due to sleep apnea. To determine whether a patient has sleep apnea, the Apnea/Hypopnea index is examined through sleep monitoring, either in a sleep lab or at the patient’s home. The number of apneas or hypopneas the patient experiences per night will depend on the severity of their sleep apnea, and will define the type of treatment that is best for them. Oral appliance therapy is often used in the treatment of mild or moderate sleep apnea, and is one of the best options for peo- ple who cannot tolerate using the CPAP device. Oral appliances can work for many different patients, but some patients may not benefit from using one. According to a recent study, the usage of an oral appliance signifi- cantly decreases the Apnea/ Hypopnea Index, causing discom- fort throughout the night. The study showed that men were more likely to see a change in their AHI numbers, when they slept wearing a device that repositioned their lower jaw. An oral appliance is more comfortable, discrete, and easier to use than the CPAP machine, and is a great option for those who refuse to wear the CPAP mask. Since they have such a high rate of acceptance by patients, oral appliances are considered one of the best alternatives to treat sleep apnea for those who do not toler- ate CPAP. Oral appliance therapy is increasingly gaining popularity as a first-line treatment option for many persons diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea.