3322 Route 22 West, Suite 1207-1208, Branchburg, NJ 08876
908-218-0301 (fax)
We Accept Most Major PPO Dental Plans
Karl Maloney, D.D.S.
Board Certified
Oral & Maxillofacial
Wisdom Teeth
Dental Implants
Bone Grafting
General Anesthesia
3D Cone Beam CT
Jaw Surgery
Oral Pathology
Facial Trauma
By: Jill Gora, MD
Summit Medical Group
Family Medicine
One of the most satisfying aspects of
being a family medicine physician is
the ability to offer treatment for the
entire family, from physical to emo-
tional health, from birth to aging.
Caring for multiple generations of a
family provides invaluable insight
into treatment. It’s lasting, caring
care that our patients can depend
on. People want flexible, accessible
care – one place to treat their whole
family – and they want their doctors
to see them as people (not condi-
tions). Moreover, they want physi-
cians to understand their family and
life situations. Family medicine
achieves those goals and more!
I have been a family medicine physi-
cian for over 20 years. I have experi-
enced the value of multi-genera-
tional care. As family doctors, we see
people over the course of their lives,
not just when they are sick. This
means we can focus on the “big pic-
ture,” keeping them healthy over the
long term. This is particularly impor-
tant for preventive medicine, to head
off any problems before they arise.
Our strength is early detection.
Chronic diseases, such as heart dis-
ease, cancer and diabetes, are
responsible for seven out of every ten
American deaths, according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention (CDC). However, the CDC
also points out that these are largely
preventable conditions through a
close partnership with your health-
care professional.
As family physicians, we track your
full medical history and are familiar
with your genetic history. We are
aware of life circumstances – your
life circumstances, and the life cir-
cumstances of each and every family
member that can impact your health
and well-being. In essence, we know
you, and that knowledge is instru-
mental in getting you the best possi-
ble care. Whether it’s blood pressure,
weight or stress-related issues, or
simply referring you to a specialist,
family physicians are your vital sup-
port system. We help patients navi-
gate the healthcare system and are
the home base across specialties.
Perhaps the best justification for
entire family treatment with a single
family physician is illustrated by an
example. Multi-generational families
comprise a great portion of my prac-
tice. Recently, I had a patient diag-
nosed with breast cancer. When I
saw her husband and children for
their routine physicals, her
illness and
its impact on them was part of the
discussion. I made sure the topic of
screening was covered for her
daughter. Then, because of our
unique and strong relationship, I
worked to help all family members
cope and make the necessary transi-
tions. I was (and still am) a vital
resource for all of them. And I hope
to continue to care for this family for
the next 20 or 30 years.
Finally, the best testimony I can pro-
vide is from my own family’s care. My
personal family physician has known
me since I was a little girl. In fact, she
was my inspiration for becoming a
family physician. Over the years, she
has helped my family overcome med-
ical challenges. I consider her a part
of my family. As I tell her, she’s just
never allowed to retire!
For more information on family
medicine or to make an appoint-
ment, please contact Summit Med-
ical Group at 908-304-9487 or visit
Health and Wellness