Name TITLE Branchburg Commons, Bld. #1 3322 US Highway 22 West Branchburg, NJ 08876 908-252-0242 | www.NMRnj.com 732-993-6050 | fax 732-497-4462 | www.NMRpm.com Physical Therapy | Pain Management | Chiropractic | Stem Cell Therapy Acupuncture | Nutrition/Weight Loss | Massage Therapy | CranioSacral Therapy Biofeedback Therapy | Hormone Optimization | Skin Rejuvenation BETTER HEALTH. BETTER LIFE. 399 Campus Drive, 1st Floor Somerset, NJ 08873 732-993-6050 | www.NMRpm.com Call for a free new patient consultation. Dr. Vincent Sferra, DC, DIBCN CLINIC DIRECTOR WHEN YOU’VE TRIED EVERYTHING, AND THE PAIN STILL WON’T GO AWAY By: Drs. Vince Sferra & Arun Kandra Natural Medicine, Rehabilitation & Pain Management It can be frustrating to feel you have tried everything, but the pain still won’t go away – or returns after a short period of time. Before you go down the slippery slope of taking pain medications to cover-up the pain to get through your day, consider how we can help you move past the pain, restore function, and enjoy living pain-free without the dependence of medication. Our bodies are designed to feel pain; it is our warning system to protect us and encourage us to take action. Covering up the pain without identifying and manag- ing the causative factors can cause more damage. Alleviating pain with medica- tion in the early stages can reduce inflammation and swelling to help you begin a rehabilitation program, but when pain is not responding to natural approaches (physical therapy, chiroprac- tic care, acupuncture, massage) the fol- lowing focused interventions make sense once we have diagnosed the source of the problem: Injections can help relieve a patient’s pain and inflammation. Unlike oral med- ication used to help with inflammation, injections are administered directly around the area of inflamed or damaged nerves, creating a more focused impact without the risk of addiction and adverse side effects. If the injection relieves the pain, the patient can have up to 3 injec- tions in a one year period. Injections pro- vide not only pain relief but a window of opportunity, during which a comprehen- sive rehabilitation program can build strength, function and stability. While the effects of pain relief with injections may not provide a ‘cure,’ it does buy us time, sometimes months, sometimes years. When nothing is done to handle the driv- ing forces that caused the pain, the pain is likely to return. Our goal is to relieve the pain, strengthen, optimize function and avoid or prolong the need for addi- tional injections to enjoy living pain free. Nerve Blocks are non-surgical options to relieve pain. If you have nerve dam- age, your ‘warning system’ will not be functioning properly. Injury and condi- tions such as cancer, fibromyalgia, dia- betes, endometriosis, irritable bowel syn- drome and shingles can cause nerve pain and damage. Damaged nerves may send false pain signals to the brain without cause. Nerve blocks inject medication to the specific group of nerves responsible for sending pain signals to a certain area of the body providing pain relief for the patient. Our goal is to not only provide pain relief but also identify and treat the underlying cause or medical condition causing the pain. This may prolong the pain from returning and stop the pro- gression of nerve damage. The foundation of our practice is to reduce pain by identifying the cause through comprehensive assessment, then treating and strengthening the body to improve its capabilities and pre- vent future problems or recurrence. Our team of physicians, including Medical, Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Clinical Nutritionist, Acupuncture and Biofeed- back will provide services to help patients maintain a healthy lifestyle including exercise, healthy nutritional habits and stress reduction techniques that are fun- damental to true long-term health and can also help with chronic pain relief. To see if you are a candidate for the pain management options we provide please call for a complimentary new patient consultation at our Branchburg or Som- erset locations. For more information about our Branchburg Office: 908-252-0242 www.NMRnj.com Somerset Office: 732-993-6050 www.NMRpm.com Dr. Kandra, Medical Director of Natural Medi- cine, Rehabilitation & Pain Management, is board certified in Anesthesiology and Pain Man- agement. He is trained at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, one of the country`s top Pain Management training programs and is the Chair- man at Easton Hospital for the Division of Pain Medicine. Dr. Sferra, Founder and Clinic Director of Natu- ral Medicine & Rehabilitation, is board certified in Chiropractic Medicine and Chiropractic Neurolo- gy, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and is a Certi- fied Strength and Conditioning Specialist certi- fied by the National Strength & Conditioning Association. Dr. Sferra Dr. Kandra 78 East Main Street,Somerville www.drcharmoydmd.com 908-722-9266 Member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea? Can’t wear a CPAP? Do You Snore? Services Now Covered By Medicare There is an alternative treatment with an oral appliance! Dr. Charmoy is experienced in the right appliance for you AP-5000609538 78 East Main Street, Somerville .somervilledentalsleepmedicine.com 2-92 6 R ICHARD P. C HARMOY , D.M.D., LLC