Dining Out
www.theconnectionsnj.com (8 92(3,(0&( ,0 %45 %46%. ,0,0* ! $ ! $ " "! Hours: Monday-Saturday 11am-9pm, Sunday 12pm-7pm 5 (5+(. 1%' #%33(0 3&+ .%;% ,0 5+( (05(3 1) !180 888 !63)0 63) 63*(3 &1/ 0: 63&+%4( Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 5/31/17. )1..18 64 10 ,045%*3%/ 563)0463)8%33(0 1/( +(&- 65 63 (%.5+: +1,&(4 )13 60&+ %0' ,00(3 .. %563%. 3(4+ 0*3(',(054 !3: 163 (8 (06 10&(25 < (.(&5 :163 !63) 13 63) 10 % 60 10 % %.%' 13 7(3 ,&( +--&./+2* + " +0/# 4 #-* -".1&((# 4 4 222 )+*/#-#3$+0-)#/.%+,. !+) 4 #""&*$. %+2#-. #%# -. ( &**#-. 4 #-1#-. -/#*"#-. #*/ (. #*/. 4 2 -" &**&*$ #*0. 0(( - #-1&!# 4 *3 #!#,/&+* +! /&+*. 1 &( (# 4 #""&*$ ,#!& ( !! .&+* '#. 4 -## #""&*$ +*.0(/ /&+* #/ . ),#- +0 *