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MONTGOMERY ACADEMY “WHERE YOU CAN BE YOURSELF” Basking Ridge, NJ 908-766-0362 $ ! ! # " " ! ! “Spot It” and send your answer with your name, town & phone number to: Subject Line: FAKE Somewhere in the magazine is a 630 Valley Road, Gillette, NJ 07933 908-647-4194 By: Michelle Cavett, Program Director Michelle Cavett Patience. Concentration. Perse- verance. Courtesy. Respect. Confi- dence. These are not just words, but a basis for a code of conduct that supports our humanity and our interactions in society. Impart- ing these values to our children in today’s world is no easy task, con- sidering such socially detrimental actions employed by cyber-bullies, haters, and trolls. Children are vul- nerable and impressionable, and many follow the crowd so as not to stand out or be ostracized--the “go along to get along” dynamic. Soo Bahk Do Karate of Gillette has made it our mission since 1982 to improve basic desirable human attributes, cultivating leaders who are able to apply self-discipline and act independently to follow what they know, and have been taught, is right – not following along because “everybody else is doing it.” Our students develop the habits of paying close attention and trusting practice to build skills in all areas to lead a productive and successful life. Take concentration – many times, when addressed, chil- dren may not respond appropriately or behave respectfully. They don’t look at their parents or teachers, or must be spoken to many times before reacting properly. By practice and repetition, courteous respons- es such as looking and listening are encouraged and developed. Martial Arts, like all art – painting, music, dance, etc., is a discipline. Karate students learn to under- stand delayed gratification, and the satisfaction of a job well done. They learn perseverance and endurance – not just giving up when things get difficult. New endeavors are usually begun with great enthusiasm, however, when we come to understand that disci- pline and repetition will be neces- sary in order to succeed, quitting may seem the more desirable option. At Soo Bahk Do Karate of Gillette, students and their families are encouraged, step by step, to recognize and appreciate the results and benefits of perseverance. Encouraging a healthy life-style is also a part of our mission. Soo Bahk Do includes great exercise, stretching, and deep breathing. Additionally, our studio space is toxin and chemical-free. Over the past 35 years we have been privileged to teach thousands of students not just kicking and punching, but attributes that help them throughout their entire lives. It is not uncommon for former stu- dents that trained and practiced here many years ago as children to now bring their own children and grandchildren in to learn these valu- able skills. Our youngest student is 3 and our oldest is 71. Visit our website at or give me a call at 908-647-4194 for more information on how our karate programs can benefit you and your children. Michelle Cavett is an Internation- ally Certified Instructor in the mar- tial art of Soo Bahk Do Moo Du Kwan. She is a 3rd degree blackbelt and has trained under Certified Master Instructor and 7th degree blackbelt Linda Morey since 2000.
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