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By: Dr. Vincent Sferra
Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation
Our success in life and business mainly
depends on our professional and life
skills, our ability to learn, capacity to
start and build relationships, and the
health of our brain. Brain health is
tremendously important for everyone
at any age throughout life.
The brain is the most important and
complex organ in the body. A healthy
brain is needed to remember, learn,
plan, concentrate, make decisions, and
maintain and regulate all autonomic
bodily functions such as digestion,
detoxification, blood pressure, heart
rate, and breathing. You can see how
critical it is to keep the brain healthy
and its importance for personal and
business success, as well as for creating
and maintaining strong relationships.
Stress is the biggest hindrance of brain
health. Stress is a reaction to an event
that disrupts our physical and mental
equilibrium. Stressful events trigger our
“fight and flight” response causing
hormones such as adrenalin and corti-
sol to surge through the blood stream.
Frequent activation of the stress
response leads to changes in the
brain’s structures. These changes could
impair mental processes involving
memory, attention, and emotional reg-
ulation. Stress is the biggest obstacle
for efficient mental processing, which
is crucial for success.
According to American Psychological
Association, chronic stress is linked to
the six leading causes of death: heart
disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents,
cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. And
more than 75% of all physician office
visits are for stress-related complaints.
What can you do to insure our brain
health and increase its vitality?
1. Eat a balanced diet.
Learn healthy
food regiments by consulting with a
certified clinical nutritionist or physi-
cian who can tailor a diet that is
optimal for your needs. Compre-
hensive blood work can analyze
what types of foods you should eat,
and supplements you may need.
2. Exercise.
A qualified doctor of
physical rehabilitation can teach you
what type of exercise routine is suit-
able for your body type and its limi-
tations, especially if you have chron-
ic injuries and conditions.
3. Meditate.
Research tells us that
one of the best ways to address
stress and brain health is regular
mindfulness meditation practice.
Meditation is the training of the mind.
By practicing meditation you become
aware, mindful and better equipped to
deal with everyday stress and anxiety
by learning how to gain control over
the different aspect and processes of
the mind. Just like physical exercise
consists of different training elements
such as strength training, flexibility,
speed and cardio, meditation also con-
sists of different elements of breathing,
awareness, concentration and atten-
tion cultivation exercises.
To learn mindfulness meditation one
must study with a seasoned meditation
Hayk Andriasyan, is a Massage Thera-
pist at Natural Medicine & Rehabilita-
tion who is clinically trained in Deep
Tissue & Sports Massage, Soft Tissue
Mobilization, Relaxation and Medita-
tion. To learn more about the services
we provide to support brain health,
including, massage therapy, acupunc-
ture, biofeedback therapy, craniosacral
therapy, mindfulness meditation, active
and passive relaxation, please visit our
Dr. Sferra
is the founder and Clinic Director of
Natural Medicine & Rehabilitation. He is Board
Certified in Chiropractic Medicine and Chiro-
practic Neurology, a Certified Clinical Nutritionist
and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning
Specialist certified by the National Strength &
Conditioning Association. Dr. Sferra is the recip-
ient of the “2005 Spirit of Somerset” award for
his outstanding contribution to Health and Well-
ness in the community.
For more information visit
www.NMRNJ.com o
r call 908-252-0242
Health and Wellness