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Smiles Unlimited Dental Center MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED Emil T. Kesler, DDS Valentina M. Kesler, DDS We speak Ukranian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Hungarian – and of course, English! 908.722.5511 60 South Main Street • Manville (Across from Bank of America) LATE EVENINGS AND SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE FREE Consultation (Value of $60) for Future Dental Treatments Our patient’s needs always come first! DENTAL HEALTH AND YOUR NUTRITION By: Dr. Valentina Kesler Smiles Unlimited Being a dentist for almost 30 years, I always tell my patients about the importance of their diet to keep teeth and gums healthy. You have probably heard the saying that the mouth is the mirror of the health of your body. Everyone knows that food or bev- erages containing sugar lead to the development of cavities in your teeth. What about gums? Sugar (and refined carbohydrates that the body converts into sugars ) causes chronic inflammation in your body that can lead to heart disease, diabetes, can- cer, and gum disease. By eliminating sugar from your diet, you can decrease the development of many diseases and improve the quality of your life! If you have a “sweet tooth,” you can use xylitol instead of regular sugar. Xylitol is natural sweetener derived from birch trees and other sources. Xylitol will not cause cavity development and can actually pre- vent cavities or even remineralize enamel (reverse cavity progression). It does not have any side effects (unlike artificial sweeteners) and it tastes good. Is your diet well balanced or is lack- ing major nutrients and vitamins? According to multiple scientific studies, about 75% of the US popu- lation is deficient in vitamin D (also called the sunshine vitamin). Vitamin D plays an important role not only in the absorption of Calcium and Phos- phorus, which are important ele- ments for the health of our teeth and gums, but it participates in many cru- cial processes in our body. Again, new studies show that Vitamin D deficiency can be linked to increased risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. I recommend my patients take 5000IU of vitamin D3 daily. Good sources of vitamin D are fish (salmon, sardines, cod), cod liver, and egg yolks. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid cannot be naturally produced by your body, so the only way to receive it is by eat- ing a lot of fruits and vegetables. It is a very important element for the health of our teeth and gums because vitamin C participates in the formation of collagen and is a strong antioxidant. Vitamin C deficiency will cause gum bleeding, gum swelling and inflammation leading to loose teeth. One more interesting fact: smoking and excessive alcohol intake will reduce the absorption of vitamin C in your body. What can you eat in order to have a sufficient amount of vitamin C? Berries, kiwi fruits, citrus fruits, pineapples, asparagus, pep- pers, cabbage, broccoli, etc. I also advise my patients to take supple- ments with 1000mg or more of ascorbic acid for optimal health. B vitamins are important for the health of our mouth too. If you expe- rience cracked lips or cracks in the corners of your mouth, inflammation or burning inside the mouth and tongue, you might have a vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) or Folate (Folic acid ) defi- ciency. Reduced levels of Folate can elevate the level of Homocysteine (mark of body inflammation) leading to increased risk of heart disease development. Foods that are rich in folate are dark green vegetables, beans, cauliflower, cabbage, and liver. I hope this information was help- ful in connecting the dots between your dental health and overall nutri- tional wellbeing. It is no surprise to see just how much our nutrition affects each and every part of our bodies. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at (908) 722-5511 and schedule a compli- mentary consultation. Eat healthy, be healthy and see your dentist regularly! ORBERA Intragastric Balloon is a New Treatment in Battle Against Obesity Start Your ORBERA Journey Right Here, Right Now Simple Design Portion Control 3x the Weight Loss of Diet & Exercise Alone We specialize in Gastroenterology, which is the treatment of diseases and disorders of the digestive system or gastrointestinal (GI) tract. %$&% (& ( &" + ( & %+$ $(& "##' %&%) ! )"( "' ( + ,