7 Johnston Drive, 2nd floor, Watchung, NJ 07069
Specializing in brain injuries,
pre & post surgeries, joint replacement,
back & disc issues, pre & post natal among others.
Offering Private and duet classes along with
group mat, tower and BioCored classes.
For more
information go to
Free 1 hour
private session
for new clients.
Pilates Design Studio is
now offering BASI Pilates
Certifications and BioCored
Licensing to aspiring
Pilates is a series of
body conditioning exercis-
es that builds strength,
flexibility, coordination, and endurance. By
emphasizing focus, proper breathing, cor-
rect spinal and pelvic alignment, and com-
plete concentration on smooth, flowing
movement, you become acutely aware of
how your body feels, where it is in space
and how to control its movements. People
who practice Pilates regularly feel they have
better posture, are less prone to injury, and
experience better overall health.
BioCored: System of Corrective
Movement is a Neural Science based sus-
pension system using various weighted
bungee cords. Through the use of the visu-
al, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems
we correct dormant and
atrophied muscles, incor-
rect muscle firing patterns,
pain induced muscle inhi-
bition, mobility and stabili-
ty deficiencies, and joint
and spine pain. By using
our neural science based
series of exercises to acti-
vate the sensory motor sys-
tem, we are able to assist in
the healing of brain injuries by
changing and creating new
neural signatures in the body,
taking away chronic pain and
allowing for healthy and effi-
cient brain functionality to
Donna J. from Bedminster
has suffered from severe brain
trauma for over 20 years from
two different car accidents and states:
“Since starting BioCored, I have experi-
enced a new awakening and alertness in
my brain. I have experienced a dramatic
release of tightness and chronic pain which
had put pressure on my optic nerves, head,
and back. I now have the ability to take
deeper breaths enabling my body to receive
more oxygen, thus providing me with more
Carol M. from Warren has suffered from
Spinal Stenosis for the past 16 years. After
experiencing working
on The BioCoreds
Carol states: “I am
now able to stand tall,
feel both sides of my
body working and
lengthen out my spine
without feeling pain. I
feel better than I have
in 16 years. BioCored
eliminated the numb-
ness in my legs and
feet and the debilitating pain that would go
from my hip to my calf. I feel so good and
am able to do things that I have not done
in years, thank you Danielle and BioCored.”
Pilates Design Studio is the official NJ
Host Site for BASI Pilates and the NY/NJ
Host Site for BioCored, offering private/
duet/and group classes. New clients receive
a free 1 hour private.
Pilates and BioCored go hand and hand!
Our system is designed to help any ailment,
assist in any injury, and increase strength
and muscle efficiency from the non-mover
to the professional athlete. They are both
excellent forms of exercise that challenges
the muscles by activating the entire body!
For more information please go to
www.pilatesdesignstudio.com o
r contact
Danielle Conner at 908-202-4630
“Pilates Design Studio”
Host Site for BASI Pilates and BioCored
Submitted by: Pilates Design Studio
Health and Wellness
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