165 Washington Valley Road, Warren, NJ 07059 By: Joanne Kleinle THE HAPKIDO CENTER OF WARREN Many know of the myriad of bene- fits derived from Hapkido, an ancient martial art form that is defensive in nature and traces its roots back to Bud- dhism. Now, Grand Master Chong Min Lee of The Hapkido Center of War- ren wants to share how Hapkido can help in easing pain. He is offering FREE classes for senior citizens to experience the benefits of Hapkido’s breathing and exercise techniques to remove pain. These classes will be offered FREE to senior citizens every Thursday from 11-12 pm. Hapkido’s origins and philosophy can be traced to ancient Buddhism. Unlike Karate and Tae-Kwon Do, its philosophy and posture is totally defensive. Hapkido uses ancient med- ical knowledge to promote proper breathing and focus. The size, weight and strength of the sparring partners is irrelevant because a Hapkido practi- tioner defends against attacks by tak- ing advantage of about 650 vulnerable pressure points in the attacker’s body. Grand Mas- ter Lee is a Ninth Degree Black Belt, is President of the World Hapkido A s s o c i a t i o n (encompassing over 60 schools) and is the Mas- ter Instructor of the Hapkido Center in Warren as well as satellite schools in Morristown and Seoul, Korea. His expertise in Hapkido is equaled only by his love and ability to teach it to his students. His classes include students of all ages and abili- ties. He has also conducted training classes for various police departments and even a Special Forces group of the Korean Army. If you are a senior citizen and inter- ested in attending his free classes, or a student of any age or ability interested in being trained in Hapkido and learn- ing of the far reaching benefits of this martial art form, please call The Hap- kido Center of Warren 908-917- 7214. The Hapkido Center of War- ren is located at 165 Washington Val- ley Road in Warren. Try it out for your- self, you will not be disappointed! WARREN VALLEY CLEANERS Remember the days when you would come home from school and your laundry was done just right for you? Spots – no problem. Shirts pressed just right. Well, your mom might not be willing to do your laundry anymore, but in Warren there is a pret- ty close alternative. Right next to Grand Master Lee’s Hapkido studio, his wife, Sue, owns and operates Warren Valley Cleaners. Warren Valley Cleaners is an envi- ronmentally safe cleaners, but Sue is the secret ingredient that makes the clothes come out just right. The clean- ing is done off premises, but she makes it her responsibility to make sure that the clothes are cleaned as she would want them done for her family. She is a mom and she treats all of her customers like family, taking extra care of each and every garment. Sue has raised her family in the area and she still lives here. She loves the friendliness of the people in town. Warren Valley Cleaners has been open for two years and she has grown to think of each of her customers as her family. Come by Warren Valley Cleaners at the shopping plaza at 165 Washing- ton Valley Road and let Sue be the secret ingredient to get your clothes cleaned just right! HAPKIDO CENTER KOREAN ROYAL MARTIAL ART Grand Master Chong Min Lee An affordable alternative for Judaism in Somerset County We are a warm and welcoming center providing multi-generational learning celebration & worship Chai Center for Jewish Life For more information, to register a child, or to purchase tickets: visit or call 908.864.7788 Sharon Friedman Executive Director Wendy Merkin Piller President Join us for the High Holy Days Services led by Rabbi Bill Kraus and Musician Steven Dropkin Services will be held at 775 Talamini Road, Bridgewater Register for our fun, creative, camp-style Sunday school Located at 20 Shawnee Drive, Watchung